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IdeaVim is a Vim emulation plugin for IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform.
IdeaVim can be used with IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, CLion, PhpStorm, WebStorm,
RubyMine, AppCode, DataGrip, GoLand, Rider, Cursive, and Android Studio.
* [Plugin homepage](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/164-ideavim)
* [Changelog](CHANGES.md)
* [Bug tracker](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM)
* [Continuous integration builds](https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/project.html?projectId=IdeaVim&guest=1)
* [@IdeaVim](https://twitter.com/ideavim) in Twitter
- IdeaVim can be installed via `Settings | Plugins`.
See [detailed instructions](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/managing-plugins.html#).
- Use `Tools | Vim Emulator` to enable or disable emulation.
- Use `~/.ideavimrc` file as an analog of `~/.vimrc` ([details](#Files)). XGD standard is supported as well.
- Shortcut conflicts can be resolved using:
- Linux & Windows: `File | Settings | Editor | Vim Emulation` & `File | Settings | Keymap`,
- macOS: `Preferences | Editor | Vim Emulation` & `Preferences | Keymap`,
- regular vim mappings in the `~/.ideavimrc` file.
Get Early Access
Would you like to try new features and fixes? Join the Early Access Program and
receive EAP builds as updates!
1. Click the IdeaVim icon <img src="resources/META-INF/pluginIcon_noBorders.svg" width="16" height="16" alt="icon"/>
in the status bar | `EAP` | `Get Early Access...`
Or subscribe to EAP updates manually:
1. Open `Settings | Plugins`
2. Click the gear icon :gear:, select `Manage Plugin Repositories`, and add the following url:
See [the changelog](CHANGES.md) for the list of unreleased features.
It is important to distinguish EAP builds from traditional pre-release software.
Please note that the quality of EAP versions may at times be way below even
usual beta standards.
You can always leave your feedback with:
* [@IdeaVim](https://twitter.com/ideavim) in Twitter
* [Bug tracker](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM)
Summary of Supported Vim Features
* Motion keys
* Deletion/changing
* Insert mode commands
* Marks
* Registers
* Undo/redo
* Visual mode commands
* Some Ex commands
* Some [:set options](doc/set-commands.md)
* Full Vim regexps for search and search/replace
* Key mappings
* Macros
* Digraphs
* Command line and search history
* Window commands
* Vim web help
* Select mode
[Emulated Vim plugins](doc/emulated-plugins.md):
* vim-easymotion
* vim-surround
* vim-multiple-cursors
* vim-commentary
* argtextobj.vim
* vim-textobj-entire
* ReplaceWithRegister
Not supported (yet):
* Jump lists
* Various less-used commands
See also:
* [The list of all supported commands](src/com/maddyhome/idea/vim/package-info.java)
* [Top features and bugs](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM?q=%23Unresolved+sort+by%3A+votes)
* `~/.ideavimrc`
* Your IdeaVim-specific Vim initialization commands
You can read your `~/.vimrc` file from `~/.ideavimrc` with this command:
source ~/.vimrc
Note, that IdeaVim currently parses `~/.ideavimrc` file via simple pattern matching.
See [VIM-669](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/VIM-669) for proper parsing
of VimL files.
Also note that if you have overridden the `user.home` JVM option, this
will affect where IdeaVim looks for your `.ideavimrc` file. For example, if you
have `-Duser.home=/my/alternate/home` then IdeaVim will source
`/my/alternate/home/.ideavimrc` instead of `~/.ideavimrc`.
Alternatively, you can set up initialization commands using [XDG](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html) standard.
Put your settings to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME$/ideavim/ideavimrc` file.
Emulated Vim Plugins
See [doc/emulated-plugins.md](doc/emulated-plugins.md)
Changes to the IDE
### Executing IDE Actions
IdeaVim adds two commands for listing and executing arbitrary IDE actions as
Ex commands or via `:map` command mappings:
* `:actionlist [pattern]`
* Find IDE actions by name or keymap pattern (E.g. `:actionlist extract`, `:actionlist <C-D`)
* `:action {name}`
* Execute an action named `NAME`
For example, here `\r` is mapped to the Reformat Code action:
:map \r :action ReformatCode<CR>
### Undo/Redo
The IdeaVim plugin uses the undo/redo functionality of the IntelliJ Platform,
so the behavior of the `u` and `<C-R>` commands may differ from the original
Vim. Vim compatibility of undo/redo may be improved in future releases.
See also [unresolved undo issues](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM?q=%23Unresolved+Help+topic%3A+u).
### Escape
Using `<Esc>` in dialog windows remains problematic. For most dialog windows,
the Vim emulator is put into insert mode with `<Esc>` not working. You
should use `<C-c>` or `<C-[>` instead. In some dialog windows, the normal mode is
switched by default. The usage of the Vim emulator in dialog windows is an area for
See also [unresolved escape issues](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/VIM?q=%23Unresolved+Help+topic%3A+i_Esc).
for a list of authors and contributors.
IdeaVim is licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 2
or any later version.