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List of Supported Set Commands

The following :set commands can appear in ~/.ideavimrc or be set manually in the command mode:

'clipboard'      'cb'       clipboard options
                            Standard clipboard options plus 
                            `ideaput`  (default on)   - IdeaVim ONLY
                            enable native idea paste action for put operations

'digraph'        'dg'       enable the entering of digraphs in Insert mode
'gdefault'       'gd'       the ":substitute" flag 'g' is by default
'history'        'hi'       number of command-lines that are remembered
'hlsearch'       'hls'      highlight matches with the last search pattern
'ignorecase'     'ic'       ignore case in search patterns
'iskeyword'      'isk'      defines keywords for commands like 'w', '*', etc.
'incsearch'      'is'       show where search pattern typed so far matches

`keymodel`       `km`       String (default "continueselect,stopselect")

             List of comma separated words, which enable special things that keys
             can do. These values can be used:
               startsel           Using a shifted special[1] key starts selection (either
                                  Select mode or Visual mode, depending on "key" being
                                  present in 'selectmode').
               stopsel            Using a NOT-shifted special[1] key stops selection.
                                  Automatically enables `stopselect` and `stopvisual`
               stopselect         Using a NOT-shifted special[1] key stops     - IdeaVim ONLY
                                  select mode and removes selection.
               stopvisual         Using a NOT-shifted special[1] key stops     - IdeaVim ONLY
                                  visual mode and removes selection.
               continueselect     Using a shifted arrow key doesn't       - IdeaVim ONLY
                                  start selection, but in select mode
                                  acts like startsel is enabled
               continuevisual     Using a shifted arrow key doesn't       - IdeaVim ONLY
                                  start selection, but in visual mode
                                  acts like startsel is enabled

'matchpairs'     'mps'   pairs of characters that "%" can match
'maxmapdepth'    'mmd'   Maximum depth of mappings
'more'           'more'  When on, listings pause when the whole screen is filled.
'nrformats'      'nf'    number formats recognized for CTRL-A command
'number'         'nu'    print the line number in front of each line
'relativenumber' 'rnu'   show the line number relative to the line with
                         the cursor
'scroll'         'scr'   lines to scroll with CTRL-U and CTRL-D
'scrolljump'     'sj'    minimum number of lines to scroll
'scrolloff'      'so'    minimum number of lines above and below the cursor
'selection'      'sel'   what type of selection to use

`selectmode`     `slm`   String (default "")

             This is a comma-separated list of words, which specify when to start
             Select mode instead of Visual mode, when a selection is started.
             Possible values:
               mouse           when using the mouse
               key             when using shifted special[1] keys
               cmd             when using "v", "V", or <C-V>
               ideaselection   when IDE sets a selection      - IdeaVim ONLY
                               (examples: extend selection, wrap with while, etc.)

`startofline`    `sol`       When "on" some commands move the cursor to the first non-blank of the line.
                                When off the cursor is kept in the same column (if possible).

'showmode'       'smd'       message on the status line to show current mode
'showcmd'        'sc'        show (partial) command in the status bar
'sidescroll'     'ss'        minimum number of columns to scroll horizontally
'sidescrolloff'  'siso'      min. number of columns to left and right of cursor
'smartcase'      'scs'       no ignore case when pattern is uppercase
'timeout'        'to'        use timeout for mapped key sequences
'timeoutlen'     'tm'        timeout duration for a mapped key sequence
'undolevels'     'ul'        maximum number of changes that can be undone
'viminfo'        'vi'        information to remember after restart
'visualbell'     'vb'        use visual bell instead of beeping
'wrapscan'       'ws'        searches wrap around the end of file

IdeaVim only commands:

`ideamarks`      `ideamarks` Boolean (default true)

                 If true, creation of global mark will trigger creation of IDE's bookmark
                 and vice versa.
`idearefactormode` `idearefactormode` String(default "select")

             Define the mode that would be enabled during
             the refactoring (renaming, live template, introduce variable, etc)
             Use one of the following values:
             - keep  - keep the mode that was enabled before starting a refactoring
             - select - start refactoring in select mode
             - visual - start refactoring in visual mode
             This option has effect if you are in normal, insert or replace mode before refactoring start.
             Visual or select mode are not changed.

`ideajoin`      `ideajoin` Boolean (default false)

              If true, join command will be performed via IDE
              See wiki/`ideajoin` examples
`ideastatusicon`  `ideastatusicon` String(default "enabled")

             Define the behavior of IdeaVim icon in the status bar.
             Use one of the following values:
             - enabled - icon is shown in the status bar
             - gray - use the gray version of the icon
             - disabled - hide the icon

`ideawrite`     `ideawrite` String (default "all")
              "file" or "all". Defines the behaviour of ":w" command.
              Value "all" enables execution of ":wa" (save all) command on ":w" (save).
              This feature exists because some IJ options like "Prettier on save" or "ESlint on save"
                   work only with "save all" action. If this option is set to "all", these actions work
                   also with ":w" command.
`lookupkeys`    `lookupkeys`   List of strings

              List of keys that should be processed by the IDE during the active lookup (autocompletion).
              For example, <Tab> and <Enter> are used by the IDE to finish the lookup,
                    but <C-W> should be passed to IdeaVim.
              Default value: 
                    "<Tab>", "<Down>", "<Up>", "<Enter>", "<Left>", "<Right>",
                    "<C-Down>", "<C-Up>", "<PageUp>", "<PageDown>",
                    "<C-J>", "<C-Q>"
`ideavimsupport`  `ideavimsupport`  List of strings (default "dialog")
              Define the list of additional buffers where IdeaVim is enabled.
              - dialog - enable IdeaVim in dialogs
              - singleline - enable IdeaVim in single line editors (not suggested)

[1] - cursor keys, <End>, <Home>, <PageUp> and <PageDown>