mirror of https://github.com/chylex/.NET-Community-Toolkit.git synced 2024-10-17 06:42:48 +02:00
Nirmal Guru ea1010575d
Remove Cake Build (#94)
We no longer require Cake build nor we use it extensively!
Update Azure Pipelines (CI YAML) Script to be more modern and runnable across platforms.
Replaced the headers check with a PowerShell script mimicking the Cake script's `UpdateHeaders` task functionality.
2022-01-25 13:23:53 +01:00

90 lines
3.0 KiB

# Script to Update Header comment in C# sources within this repository.
# This script duplicates the fuctionality provided by the 'UpdateHeaders' target in Cake script present previously.
# Since, Cake build has been removed, this fuctionality has been implimented here in this PowerShell script.
function Clear-BuildArtifacts {
if (Get-Command dotnet) {
Write-Host "Starting 'dotnet msbuild -t:Clean' to clean-up build outputs"
dotnet msbuild -noLogo -noAutoRsp -v:m -t:Clean
elseif (Get-Command msbuild) {
Write-Host "Starting 'msbuild -t:Clean' to clean-up build outputs"
msbuild -noLogo -noAutoRsp -v:m -t:Clean
elseif (Get-Command git) {
Write-Host "Starting 'git clean -Xdf' to clean-up build outputs"
git clean -Xdf
else {
Write-Warning "Can't find dotnet/msbuild/git to clean-up build outputs"
function Get-SourceFiles ([string]$Path, [string]$Extension) {
$fileType = $Extension.TrimStart('.')
$fileFilter = "*.$fileType"
$fileExcludes = "*.g.$fileType", "*.i.$fileType", "*TemporaryGeneratedFile*.$fileType"
$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File -Recurse -Filter $fileFilter -Exclude $fileExcludes
return $sourceFiles.Where({ !($_.FullName.Contains("\bin\") -or $_.FullName.Contains("\obj\")) })
# Set Repot Root
$repoRoot = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
Push-Location $repoRoot
# Clean-up Repository build outputs
if ($Clean) {
# Get C# source files recursively
$sourceFiles = Get-SourceFiles -Path $repoRoot -Extension ".cs"
Write-Host "Checking $($sourceFiles.Count) C# file header(s)"
$hasMissing = $false
foreach ($sourceFile in $sourceFiles) {
$oldContent = Get-Content $sourceFile -Raw | Out-String -NoNewline
if ($oldContent.Contains("// <auto-generated/>") -or $oldContent.Contains("// <auto-generated>")) {
$headerFilePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "header.txt"
$headerContent = Get-Content $headerFilePath -Raw | Out-String
$regexHeader = "^(//.*\r?\n)*\r?\n"
$newContent = $oldContent -replace $regexHeader,$headerContent | Out-String -NoNewline
if (-not ($newContent -eq $oldContent)) {
$sourceFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($repoRoot, $sourceFile.FullName)
if ($DryRun) {
Write-Warning "Wrong/missing file header in '$sourceFilePath'"
$hasMissing = $true
else {
Write-Host "Updating '$sourceFilePath' file header..."
Set-Content -Path $sourceFile -Value $newContent -NoNewline
if ($DryRun -and $hasMissing) {
Write-Error "Please run 'Update-Headers.ps1' to verify and add missing headers ins source files before commiting your changes."
else {
Write-Host "All $($sourceFiles.Count) C# file header(s) are up to date."
# Pop out of Repo Root