mirror of https://github.com/chylex/dotfiles.git synced 2024-10-18 20:42:49 +02:00

Compare commits


No commits in common. "7ebb930f0b1dd3b9eb98f3f8400e072b0e637675" and "6ac6c169fa24d377bb44e63d6f7172df60849b71" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 10 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ Plug 'vim-highlightedyank'
Plug 'vim-indent-object'
Plug 'vim-matchit'
Plug 'vim-multiple-cursors'
Plug 'vim-paragraph-motion'
Plug 'vim-surround'
Plug 'vim-textobj-entire'
@ -98,14 +97,6 @@ xnoremap H ]b
noremap <A-b> ge
noremap <A-S-b> gE
" Navigate paragraphs at indentation level
map { <Plug>(ParagraphPrevMotion)$
map } <Plug>(ParagraphNextMotion)$
" Navigate inspection highlights
nmap ( :raction GotoPreviousError<CR>
nmap ) :raction GotoNextError<CR>
" Navigate editor tabs
noremap <A-h> gT
noremap <A-l> gt
@ -150,6 +141,12 @@ xnoremap P p
nmap <A-p> <Action>(ParameterInfo)
imap <A-p> <Action>(ParameterInfo)
" Toggle comments
nmap <C--> <Action>(CommentByLineComment)
vmap <C--> <Action>(CommentByBlockComment)
nmap <D--> <C-->
vmap <D--> <C-->
" Navigate back/forward
nmap <BS> <Action>(Back)
nmap <S-BS> <Action>(Forward)
@ -193,6 +190,10 @@ nnoremap Z z
" Repurpose 'Enter' for statement completion (requires a custom version of IdeaVIM)
nmap <Enter> <Action>(EditorCompleteStatement)
" Repurpose special characters for navigation
nmap ( :raction GotoPreviousError<CR>
nmap ) :raction GotoNextError<CR>
" Repurpose 'g' for navigation (:raction requires a custom version of IdeaVIM)
nmap gb :raction GotoNextBookmark<CR>
nmap gB :raction GotoPreviousBookmark<CR>
@ -240,11 +241,6 @@ map zht <Action>(TypeHierarchy)
map zhm <Action>(MethodHierarchy)
map zhc <Action>(CallHierarchy)
nmap zhl <Action>(LocalHistory.ShowHistory)
xmap zhl <Action>(LocalHistory.ShowSelectionHistory)
nmap zhg <Action>(Vcs.ShowTabbedFileHistory)
xmap zhg <Action>(Vcs.ShowHistoryForBlock)
map zm <Action>(ShowBookmarks)
map zp <Action>(QuickImplementations)
map zP <Action>(QuickTypeDefinition)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
- { name: "highlighted-yank" , repo: "https://github.com/machakann/vim-highlightedyank.git" }
- { name: "indent-object" , repo: "https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object.git" }
- { name: "lightline" , repo: "https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim.git" }
- { name: "paragraph-motion" , repo: "https://github.com/dbakker/vim-paragraph-motion.git" }
- { name: "rainbow" , repo: "https://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow.git" }
- { name: "repeat" , repo: "https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat.git" }
- { name: "sleuth" , repo: "https://github.com/tpope/vim-sleuth.git" }