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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ sethandler <C-P> a:vim
sethandler <C-U> a:vim
sethandler <C-W> a:vim
sethandler <C-S-W> a:vim
sethandler <S-BS> a:vim
" Enable plugins (https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim/wiki/IdeaVim-Plugins)
Plug 'argtextobj.vim'
@ -98,14 +99,6 @@ xnoremap H ]b
noremap <A-b> ge
noremap <A-S-b> gE
" Navigate paragraphs at indentation level
map { <Plug>(ParagraphPrevMotion)$
map } <Plug>(ParagraphNextMotion)$
" Navigate inspection highlights
nmap ( :raction GotoPreviousError<CR>
nmap ) :raction GotoNextError<CR>
" Navigate editor tabs
noremap <A-h> gT
noremap <A-l> gt
@ -154,23 +147,25 @@ imap <A-p> <Action>(ParameterInfo)
nmap <BS> <Action>(Back)
nmap <S-BS> <Action>(Forward)
" Navigate to previous/next method
nnoremap [ [m
xnoremap [ [m
nnoremap ] ]m
xnoremap ] ]m
" Navigate inspection highlights
nmap ( :raction GotoPreviousError<CR>
nmap ) :raction GotoNextError<CR>
" Alternative bindings for square bracket commands
nnoremap g[ [
xnoremap g[ [
nnoremap g] ]
xnoremap g] ]
" Navigate to previous/next method
nmap [[ :raction MethodUp<CR>
nmap ]] :raction MethodDown<CR>
" Navigate paragraphs at indentation
map { <Plug>(ParagraphPrevMotion)$
map } <Plug>(ParagraphNextMotion)$
" Manage editor tabs
noremap <C-w> :action CloseContent<CR>
noremap <C-S-w> :action ReopenClosedTab<CR>
map <C-w> <Action>(CloseContent)
map <C-S-w> <Action>(ReopenClosedTab)
noremap \\ <C-w>
noremap \\m :action MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup<CR>
noremap \\s :action MoveTabDown<CR>
noremap \\S <C-w>s
noremap \\u :action Unsplit<CR>
@ -178,10 +173,10 @@ noremap \\U :action UnsplitAll<CR>
noremap \\v :action MoveTabRight<CR>
noremap \\V <C-w>v
noremap \\qa :action CloseAllEditors<CR>
noremap \\qh :action CloseAllToTheLeft<CR>
noremap \\ql :action CloseAllToTheRight<CR>
noremap \\qo :action CloseAllEditorsButActive<CR>
noremap \\\\a :action CloseAllEditors<CR>
noremap \\\\h :action CloseAllToTheLeft<CR>
noremap \\\\l :action CloseAllToTheRight<CR>
noremap \\\\o :action CloseAllEditorsButActive<CR>
" Rebind repurposed commands
nnoremap GG G
@ -199,7 +194,7 @@ nmap gB :raction GotoPreviousBookmark<CR>
nmap gD <Action>(GotoTypeDeclaration)
nmap ge :raction VcsShowNextChangeMarker<CR>
nmap gE :raction VcsShowPrevChangeMarker<CR>
nmap gf <Action>(EditSource)
nmap gf <Action>(VimJumpToSource)<Action>(HideActiveWindow) " VimJumpToSource requires a custom version of IdeaVIM
nmap gi <Action>(GotoImplementation)
map gj :raction EditorCloneCaretBelow<CR>
map gk :raction EditorCloneCaretAbove<CR>
@ -211,8 +206,6 @@ map gt :raction KM.GotoNextTypeInFile<CR>
map gT :raction KM.GotoPreviousTypeInFile<CR>
nmap gu <Action>(ShowUsages)
nmap gU <Action>(FindUsages)
map gz <Action>(NextSplitter)
map gZ <Action>(PrevSplitter)
nmap g( :raction KM.GotoPreviousErrorInOtherMode<CR>
nmap g) :raction KM.GotoNextErrorInOtherMode<CR>