mirror of https://github.com/chylex/dotfiles.git synced 2024-10-18 20:42:49 +02:00

Compare commits


No commits in common. "35ba420d837bed4d724c671ba078a5e393ec45fd" and "7ca80f443f288f9e72df42c9db1a54d864a3d33e" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'
alias gh='history|grep'
alias less='less --mouse'
alias lsa='ls -l -v --all --human-readable --group-directories-first --color=auto'
alias vim='vim -p'
alias d='docker'
alias dc='docker compose'

View File

@ -29,17 +29,14 @@ sethandler <C-C> a:ide
sethandler <C-E> a:ide
sethandler <C-F> a:ide
sethandler <C-G> a:ide
sethandler <C-H> a:ide
sethandler <C-I> a:ide
sethandler <C-J> a:ide
sethandler <C-K> a:ide
sethandler <C-L> a:ide
sethandler <C-M> a:ide
sethandler <C-R> a:ide
sethandler <C-S> a:ide
sethandler <C-T> a:ide
sethandler <C-V> a:ide
sethandler <C-W> a:ide
sethandler <C-X> a:ide
sethandler <C-Y> a:ide
sethandler <C-\> a:ide
@ -47,16 +44,18 @@ sethandler <C-\> a:ide
sethandler <A-B> a:vim
sethandler <A-H> a:vim
sethandler <A-L> a:vim
sethandler <A-N> a:vim
sethandler <A-P> a:vim
sethandler <A-S-B> a:vim
sethandler <A-X> a:vim
sethandler <C-D> a:vim
sethandler <C-H> a:vim
sethandler <C-I> a:vim
sethandler <C-L> a:vim
sethandler <C-N> a:vim
sethandler <C-O> a:vim
sethandler <C-P> a:vim
sethandler <C-U> a:vim
sethandler <C-W> a:vim
sethandler <C-S-W> a:vim
sethandler <S-BS> a:vim
@ -101,6 +100,12 @@ xnoremap H ]b
noremap <A-b> ge
noremap <A-S-b> gE
" Navigate editor tabs
noremap <C-h> gT
noremap <C-l> gt
inoremap <C-h> <C-o>gT
inoremap <C-l> <C-o>gt
" Increment/decrement numbers
noremap <Bar>+ <C-a>
noremap <Bar>- <C-x>
@ -156,22 +161,23 @@ map { <Plug>(ParagraphPrevMotion)$
map } <Plug>(ParagraphNextMotion)$
" Manage editor tabs
map <C-w>m <Action>(MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup)
map <C-w>s <Action>(MoveTabDown)
map <C-w>u <Action>(Unsplit)
map <C-w>U <Action>(UnsplitAll)
map <C-w>v <Action>(MoveTabRight)
map <C-w> <Action>(CloseContent)
map <C-S-w> <Action>(ReopenClosedTab)
noremap <C-w>S <C-w>s
noremap <C-w>V <C-w>v
noremap \\ <C-w>
map <C-w><C-w>a <Action>(CloseAllEditors)
map <C-w><C-w>h <Action>(CloseAllToTheLeft)
map <C-w><C-w>l <Action>(CloseAllToTheRight)
map <C-w><C-w>o <Action>(CloseAllEditorsButActive)
noremap \\m :action MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup<CR>
noremap \\s :action MoveTabDown<CR>
noremap \\S <C-w>s
noremap \\u :action Unsplit<CR>
noremap \\U :action UnsplitAll<CR>
noremap \\v :action MoveTabRight<CR>
noremap \\V <C-w>v
map \\ <C-w>
map \\\\ <C-w><C-w>
noremap \\\\a :action CloseAllEditors<CR>
noremap \\\\h :action CloseAllToTheLeft<CR>
noremap \\\\l :action CloseAllToTheRight<CR>
noremap \\\\o :action CloseAllEditorsButActive<CR>
" Rebind repurposed commands
nnoremap GG G