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namespace TweetTest.Data.TwoKeyDictionary
open Xunit
open TweetDuck.Data
open System.Collections.Generic
type _TestData =
static member empty
with get() = TwoKeyDictionary<string, int, float>()
static member uniquevals
with get() =
let dict = TwoKeyDictionary<string, int, float>()
dict.Add("first", 1, 10.0)
dict.Add("first", 2, 20.0)
dict.Add("first", 3, 30.0)
dict.Add("second", 1, 100.0)
dict.Add("second", 2, 200.0)
dict.Add("third", 1, 1000.0)
static member duplicatevals
with get() =
let dict = TwoKeyDictionary<string, int, float>()
dict.Add("first", 1, 10.0)
dict.Add("first", 2, 20.0)
dict.Add("first", 3, 30.0)
dict.Add("second", 1, 10.0)
dict.Add("second", 2, 20.0)
dict.Add("third", 1, 10.0)
module Indexer =
[<InlineData("first", 3, 30.0)>]
[<InlineData("second", 2, 200.0)>]
[<InlineData("third", 1, 1000.0)>]
let ``get returns correct value`` (outerKey: string, innerKey: int, value: float) =
Assert.Equal(value, _TestData.uniquevals.[outerKey, innerKey])
let ``get throws if outer key is missing`` () =
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(fun () -> _TestData.uniquevals.["missing", 1] |> ignore)
let ``get throws if inner key is missing`` () =
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(fun () -> _TestData.uniquevals.["first", 0] |> ignore)
let ``set correctly updates value`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
copy.["first", 1] <- 50.0
Assert.Equal(50.0, copy.["first", 1])
let ``set creates new inner key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
copy.["second", 3] <- 300.0
Assert.Equal(300.0, copy.["second", 3])
let ``set creates new outer key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
copy.["fourth", 1] <- 10000.0
Assert.Equal(10000.0, copy.["fourth", 1])
module InnerValues =
open System.Linq
let ``returns empty collection for empty dictionary`` () =
Assert.Equal<IEnumerable<float>>(Enumerable.Empty<float>(), _TestData.empty.InnerValues)
let ``returns all values for dictionary with unique values`` () =
Assert.Equal([ 10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 100.0; 200.0; 1000.0 ], _TestData.uniquevals.InnerValues)
let ``returns all values for dictionary with duplicated values`` () =
Assert.Equal([ 10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 10.0; 20.0; 10.0 ], _TestData.duplicatevals.InnerValues)
module TryGetValue =
let ``returns true and correct value for existing key`` () =
let (success, result) = _TestData.uniquevals.TryGetValue("first", 3)
Assert.Equal(30.0, result)
let ``returns false for missing inner key`` () =
Assert.False(_TestData.uniquevals.TryGetValue("first", 0, ref 0.0))
let ``returns false for missing outer key`` () =
Assert.False(_TestData.uniquevals.TryGetValue("missing", 0, ref 0.0))
module Add =
open System
let ``creates new inner key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
copy.Add("first", 4, 40.0)
Assert.Equal(40.0, copy.["first", 4])
let ``creates new outer key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
copy.Add("fourth", 1, 10000.0)
Assert.Equal(10000.0, copy.["fourth", 1])
let ``throw on duplicate key`` () =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(fun () -> _TestData.uniquevals.Add("first", 2, 25.0))
module Contains =
let ``returns true if outer key exists`` (outerKey: string) =
let ``returns true if inner key exists`` (innerKey: int) =
Assert.True(_TestData.uniquevals.Contains("first", innerKey))
let ``returns false if outer key does not exist`` () =
let ``returns false if inner key does not exist`` () =
Assert.False(_TestData.uniquevals.Contains("first", 0))
module Count =
let ``counts all values for dictionary with unique values`` () =
Assert.Equal(6, _TestData.uniquevals.Count())
let ``counts all values for dictionary with duplicated values`` () =
Assert.Equal(6, _TestData.duplicatevals.Count())
[<InlineData("first", 3)>]
[<InlineData("second", 2)>]
[<InlineData("third", 1)>]
let ``counts all values for specified key`` (outerKey: string, expectedCount: int) =
Assert.Equal(expectedCount, _TestData.uniquevals.Count(outerKey))
let ``throws on missing key`` () =
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(fun () -> _TestData.uniquevals.Count("missing") |> ignore)
module Clear =
let ``clears all values for all keys`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
Assert.Equal(0, copy.Count())
let ``clears all values for specified key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
Assert.Equal(0, copy.Count("first"))
Assert.Equal(3, copy.Count())
let ``throws on missing key`` () =
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(fun () -> _TestData.uniquevals.Clear("missing") |> ignore)
module Remove =
let ``removes value by key pair`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
Assert.True(copy.Remove("first", 3))
Assert.False(copy.Contains("first", 3))
Assert.Equal(5, copy.Count())
let ``removes inner key and its values`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
Assert.Equal(3, copy.Count())
let ``removing all inner keys deletes the outer key`` () =
let copy = _TestData.uniquevals
Assert.True(copy.Remove("first", 1))
Assert.True(copy.Remove("first", 2))
Assert.True(copy.Remove("first", 3))
let ``returns false on missing inner key`` () =
Assert.False(_TestData.uniquevals.Remove("first", 0))
let ``returns false on missing outer key`` () =