mirror of https://github.com/chylex/TweetDuck.git synced 2024-10-17 09:42:45 +02:00

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namespace TweetTest.Utils.Static.StringUtils
open System
open TweetLib.Utils.Static
open Xunit
module NullIfEmpty =
let ``null string returns null`` () =
let ``empty string returns null`` () =
let ``blank string returns a blank string`` () =
Assert.Equal(" ", StringUtils.NullIfEmpty(" "))
let ``non-empty string returns a non-empty string`` () =
Assert.Equal("abc", StringUtils.NullIfEmpty("abc"))
module SplitInTwo =
let ``empty string returns null`` () =
Assert.Null(StringUtils.SplitInTwo("", '|'))
let ``non-empty string without search character returns null`` () =
Assert.Null(StringUtils.SplitInTwo("abcdef", '|'))
let ``splitting into two non-empty parts works`` () =
let result = StringUtils.SplitInTwo("abc|def", '|')
let struct (before, after) = result.Value
Assert.Equal("abc", before)
Assert.Equal("def", after)
let ``splitting into two empty parts works`` () =
let result = StringUtils.SplitInTwo("|", '|')
let struct (before, after) = result.Value
Assert.Equal("", before)
Assert.Equal("", after)
let ``first found search character is used if multiple are present`` () =
let result = StringUtils.SplitInTwo("abc|de|f", '|')
let struct (before, after) = result.Value
Assert.Equal("abc", before)
Assert.Equal("de|f", after)
let ``start index skips search characters preceding it`` () =
let result = StringUtils.SplitInTwo("|bc|de|f", '|', 4)
let struct (before, after) = result.Value
Assert.Equal("|bc|de", before)
Assert.Equal("f", after)
let ``start index matching position of search character does not skip it`` () =
let result = StringUtils.SplitInTwo("|bc|de|f", '|', 3)
let struct (before, after) = result.Value
Assert.Equal("|bc", before)
Assert.Equal("de|f", after)
let ``start index before start of string throws`` () =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(fun () -> StringUtils.SplitInTwo("abc|def", '|', -1) |> ignore)
let ``start index after end of string throws`` () =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(fun () -> StringUtils.SplitInTwo("abc|def", '|', 8) |> ignore)
module ExtractBefore =
let ``empty string returns empty string`` () =
Assert.Equal("", StringUtils.ExtractBefore("", ' '))
let ``non-empty string without search character returns input string`` () =
Assert.Equal("abc", StringUtils.ExtractBefore("abc", ' '))
let ``finding searched char returns everything before it`` () =
Assert.Equal("abc", StringUtils.ExtractBefore("abc def ghi", ' '))
[<InlineData(0, "abc")>]
[<InlineData(3, "abc")>]
[<InlineData(4, "abc def")>]
[<InlineData(7, "abc def")>]
[<InlineData(8, "abc def ghi")>]
let ``start index works`` (startIndex: int, expectedValue: string) =
Assert.Equal(expectedValue, StringUtils.ExtractBefore("abc def ghi", ' ', startIndex))
let ``start index before start of string throws`` () =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(fun () -> StringUtils.ExtractBefore("abc def", ' ', -1) |> ignore)
let ``start index after end of string throws`` () =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(fun () -> StringUtils.ExtractBefore("abc def", ' ', 8) |> ignore)
module ParseInts =
let ``empty string returns empty collection`` () =
Assert.Empty(StringUtils.ParseInts("", ','))
let ``single integer is parsed correctly`` () =
Assert.Equal([ 1 ], StringUtils.ParseInts("1", ','))
let ``multiple integers are parsed correctly`` () =
Assert.Equal([ -3 .. 3 ], StringUtils.ParseInts("-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3", ','))
let ``neighbouring delimiters are discarded`` () =
Assert.Equal([ 1 .. 4 ], StringUtils.ParseInts(",,1,,,2,3,,4,,,", ','))
let ``invalid format throws`` () =
Assert.Throws<FormatException>(fun () -> StringUtils.ParseInts("1,2,a", ',') |> ignore)
module ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase =
let ``converts one word`` () =
Assert.Equal("HELP", StringUtils.ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase("Help"))
let ``converts two words`` () =
Assert.Equal("HELP_ME", StringUtils.ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase("HelpMe"))
let ``converts three words`` () =
Assert.Equal("HELP_ME_PLEASE", StringUtils.ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase("HelpMePlease"))
let ``converts one uppercase abbreviation`` () =
Assert.Equal("HTML_CODE", StringUtils.ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase("HTMLCode"))
let ``converts many uppercase abbreviations`` () =
Assert.Equal("I_LIKE_HTML_AND_CSS", StringUtils.ConvertPascalCaseToScreamingSnakeCase("ILikeHTMLAndCSS"))
module ConvertRot13 =
let ``ignores digits and special characters`` () =
Assert.Equal("<123'456.789>", StringUtils.ConvertRot13("<123'456.789>"))
let ``converts lowercase letters correctly`` () =
Assert.Equal("nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm", StringUtils.ConvertRot13("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
let ``converts uppercase letters correctly`` () =
let ``converts mixed character types correctly`` () =
Assert.Equal("Uryyb, jbeyq! :)", StringUtils.ConvertRot13("Hello, world! :)"))