mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Minecraft-Phantom-Panel.git synced 2024-10-17 03:42:50 +02:00

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namespace Phantom.Utils.Runtime;
public static class EnvironmentVariables {
private enum ValueKind {
public readonly struct Value<T> where T : notnull {
internal static Value<T> Missing(string variableName, string errorMessage) {
return new Value<T>(default, ValueKind.Missing, variableName, errorMessage);
internal static Value<T> Of(T value, string variableName) {
return new Value<T>(value, ValueKind.HasValue, variableName, string.Empty);
private static Value<T> Error(string variableName, string errorMessage) {
return new Value<T>(default, ValueKind.HasError, variableName, errorMessage);
private readonly T? value;
private readonly ValueKind kind;
private readonly string variableName;
private readonly string errorMessage;
private bool HasValue => kind == ValueKind.HasValue;
private bool IsMissing => kind == ValueKind.Missing;
private Value(T? value, ValueKind kind, string variableName, string errorMessage) {
this.value = value;
this.kind = kind;
this.variableName = variableName;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
public T Require => HasValue ? value! : throw new Exception(errorMessage + ": " + variableName);
public T WithDefault(T defaultValue) => IsMissing ? defaultValue : Require;
public T WithDefaultGetter(Func<T> getDefaultValue) => IsMissing ? getDefaultValue() : Require;
internal Value<TResult> Map<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> mapper, Func<Exception, string> mapperThrowingErrorMessage) where TResult : notnull {
if (kind is ValueKind.Missing or ValueKind.HasError) {
return new Value<TResult>(default, kind, variableName, errorMessage);
try {
return Value<TResult>.Of(mapper(value!), variableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Value<TResult>.Error(variableName, mapperThrowingErrorMessage(e));
internal Value<TResult> Map<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> mapper, string mapperThrowingErrorMessage) where TResult : notnull {
return Map(mapper, _ => mapperThrowingErrorMessage);
public Value<TResult> MapParse<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> mapper) where TResult : notnull {
return Map(mapper, static e => "Environment variable has invalid format: " + e.Message);
public Value<T> Validate(Predicate<T> predicate, string errorMessage) {
return Map(value => predicate(value) ? value : throw new Exception(), errorMessage);
public static Value<string> GetString(string variableName) {
var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variableName);
return value == null ? Value<string>.Missing(variableName, "Missing environment variable") : Value<string>.Of(value, variableName);
public static Value<(string?, string?)> GetEitherString(string leftVariableName, string rightVariableName) {
string? leftValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(leftVariableName);
string? rightValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(rightVariableName);
if (leftValue == null && rightValue == null) {
return Value<(string?, string?)>.Missing(leftVariableName + " / " + rightVariableName, "Missing environment variable");
if (leftValue != null && rightValue != null) {
return Value<(string?, string?)>.Missing(leftVariableName + " / " + rightVariableName, "Only one of these environment variables must be used, but not both");
return Value<(string?, string?)>.Of((leftValue, rightValue), leftValue == null ? rightVariableName : leftVariableName);
public static Value<int> GetInteger(string variableName) {
return GetString(variableName).Map(int.Parse, "Environment variable must be a 32-bit integer");
public static Value<int> GetInteger(string variableName, int min, int max) {
return GetInteger(variableName).Map(value => value >= min && value <= max ? value : throw new Exception(), "Environment variable must be between " + min + " and " + max);
public static Value<ushort> GetPortNumber(string variableName) {
return GetString(variableName).Map(ushort.Parse, "Environment variable must be a port number");