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declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace acceptance;
use AcceptanceTester;
use Codeception\Example;
use Helper\Acceptance;
class T144_IssueDescriptionTasks_Cest{
public function _after(AcceptanceTester $I): void{
Acceptance::getDB()->exec('UPDATE issues SET author_id = \'user1test\', description = \'\', status = \'open\', progress = 0 WHERE project_id = '.Acceptance::getProjectId($I, 'p1').' AND issue_id = 1');
private function editDescriptionAs(AcceptanceTester $I, string $user, string $desc, ?string $status = null): void{
$I->fillField('Description', $desc);
if ($status !== null){
$I->selectOption('Status', $status);
private function checkIssueDetailStatus(AcceptanceTester $I, string $status, int $progress): void{
$I->see($status, '[data-title="Status"]');
$I->see((string)$progress, '[data-title="Progress"] .progress-bar');
private function generateDescription(array $tasks): string{
return implode("\n", array_map(fn($v, $k): string => ($v ? '[x]' : '[]').' Task '.$k, $tasks, range(1, count($tasks))));
* @example [[false, false, false], "Open", 0]
* @example [[true, false, false], "In Progress", 33]
* @example [[false, true, false], "In Progress", 33]
* @example [[false, false, true], "In Progress", 33]
* @example [[true, true, false], "In Progress", 66]
* @example [[false, true, true], "In Progress", 66]
* @example [[true, false, true], "In Progress", 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], "Ready To Test", 100]
public function goingFromNoTasksToMultipleTasksUpdatesStatusAndProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, $example[1], $example[2]);
* @example [[false, false, false], "In Progress", 0]
* @example [[true, true, false], "In Progress", 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], "Ready To Test", 100]
* @example [[true, true, true, false], "In Progress", 75]
* @example [[true, true], "Ready To Test", 100]
public function updatingInProgressTasksUpdatesStatusAndProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, false, true]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'In Progress', 66);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, $example[1], $example[2]);
* @example [[false, false, false], "In Progress", 0]
* @example [[true, true, false], "In Progress", 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], "Ready To Test", 100]
* @example [[true, true, true, false], "In Progress", 75]
* @example [[true, true], "Ready To Test", 100]
public function updatingReadyToTestTasksUpdatesStatusAndProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, true, true]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Ready To Test', 100);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, $example[1], $example[2]);
* @example [[false, false, false], 0]
* @example [[true, true, false], 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], 100]
* @example [[true, true, true, false], 75]
* @example [[true, true], 100]
public function updatingBlockedTasksUpdatesOnlyProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, false, true]), 'Blocked');
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Blocked', 66);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Blocked', $example[1]);
* @example [[false, false, false], 0]
* @example [[true, true, false], 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], 100]
* @example [[true, true, true, false], 75]
* @example [[true, true], 100]
public function updatingFinishedTasksUpdatesOnlyProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, true, true]), 'Finished');
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Finished', 100);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Finished', $example[1]);
* @example [[false, false, false], 0]
* @example [[true, true, false], 66]
* @example [[true, true, true], 100]
* @example [[true, true, true, false], 75]
* @example [[true, true], 100]
public function updatingRejectedTasksUpdatesOnlyProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, true, true]), 'Rejected');
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Rejected', 100);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Rejected', $example[1]);
* @example [[true, false], "Open"]
* @example [[true, false], "In Progress"]
* @example [[true, false], "Ready To Test"]
* @example [[true, false], "Finished"]
* @example [[true, false], "Rejected"]
* @example [[true, false], "Blocked"]
public function removingTasksDoesNotUpdateStatusAndProgress(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]), $example[1]);
if ($example[1] === 'Open'){
// counts as unchanged status so it's automatically set to in-progress unlike other statuses
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription($example[0]), $example[1]);
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, $example[1], 50);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', '');
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, $example[1], 50);
* @example [[true]]
* @example [[false]]
* @example [[true, true, false]]
* @example [[true, true, true]]
public function memberWithReporterRoleCannotUpdateStatusAndProgressByCreatingTasks(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
Acceptance::getDB()->exec('UPDATE issues SET author_id = \'user3test\' WHERE project_id = '.Acceptance::getProjectId($I, 'p1').' AND issue_id = 1');
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User3', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'Open', 0);
* @example [[]]
* @example [[true]]
* @example [[false]]
* @example [[true, true, false]]
* @example [[true, true, true]]
public function memberWithReporterRoleCannotUpdateStatusAndProgressByChangingTasks(AcceptanceTester $I, Example $example): void{
Acceptance::getDB()->exec('UPDATE issues SET author_id = \'user3test\' WHERE project_id = '.Acceptance::getProjectId($I, 'p1').' AND issue_id = 1');
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User1', $this->generateDescription([true, true, false]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'In Progress', 66);
$this->editDescriptionAs($I, 'User3', $this->generateDescription($example[0]));
$this->checkIssueDetailStatus($I, 'In Progress', 66);