mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Firefox-SCsCC.git synced 2024-10-17 09:42:46 +02:00
sarics dc12d99f2c changed to handle "" toCurr preference
changed panel listeners to send toCurr preference
2014-07-24 13:13:09 +02:00

364 lines
9.7 KiB

var dataDir = require("sdk/self").data;
var noti = require("sdk/notifications");
var panels = require("sdk/panel");
var request = require("sdk/request");
var sp = require("sdk/simple-prefs");
var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage").storage;
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var sysver = parseInt(require("sdk/system").version);
var wid = 0;
var workers = {};
var reqs = {};
if (require("sdk/self").loadReason !== "startup" && sp.prefs.toCurr === "") showOptions();
if (!ss.currRates) ss.currRates = {};
if (!ss.currRatesLT) ss.currRatesLT = {};
// if an exchange rate is older than 1 day, delete it
for (var i in ss.currRatesLT) {
if (Date.now() - ss.currRatesLT[i] > 86400000) {
if (ss.currRates.hasOwnProperty(i)) delete ss.currRates[i];
delete ss.currRatesLT[i];
var btnIcons = {
on: {
"16": dataDir.url("icon16.png"),
"32": dataDir.url("icon32.png"),
"48": dataDir.url("icon48.png")
off: {
"16": dataDir.url("icon16_off.png"),
"32": dataDir.url("icon32_off.png"),
"48": dataDir.url("icon48_off.png")
var button;
// add toggle button
if (sysver >= 29) {
button = require("sdk/ui").ToggleButton({
id: "scsccbtn",
label: "SCs Currency Converter",
icon: (sp.prefs.btn) ? btnIcons.on : btnIcons.off,
onChange: function(state) {
if (state.checked) {
if (sysver >= 30) panel.show({ position: this });
else panel.show();
else panel.hide();
// or add widget
else {
button = require("sdk/widget").Widget({
id: "scsccbtn",
label: "SCs Currency Converter",
contentURL: (sp.prefs.btn) ? btnIcons.on["32"] : btnIcons.off["32"],
onClick: function() {
var panel = panels.Panel({
width: 250,
position: { top: 5, right: 30 },
contentURL: dataDir.url("panel.html"),
onShow: function() {
this.port.emit("showPanel", sp.prefs.toCurr);
onHide: function() {
if (sysver >= 29 && button.state("window").checked) {
if (sysver >= 30) button.state("window", { checked: false });
else require("sdk/timers").setTimeout(function() { button.state("window", { checked: false }); }, 300);
panel.port.on("loaded", panelFirstRun);
function panelFirstRun() {
panel.port.emit("firstRun", [ ss.currRates, ss.currRatesLT, sp.prefs.btn, sp.prefs.toCurr ]);
panel.port.removeListener("loaded", panelFirstRun);
panel.port.on("panelHeight", function(data) {
panel.height = data;
if (panel.height > 400) panel.height = 400;
panel.port.on("turnOnOff", function() {
if (sp.prefs.btn) {
if (sysver >= 29) button.icon = btnIcons.off;
else button.contentURL = btnIcons.off["32"];
sp.prefs.btn = false;
else {
if (sysver >= 29) button.icon = btnIcons.on;
else button.contentURL = btnIcons.on["32"];
sp.prefs.btn = true;
panel.port.on("options", function() {
panel.port.on("resCurrRates", function() {
ss.currRates = {};
ss.currRatesLT = {};
sendData("CurrRates", tabs.activeTab.id);
include: "*",
contentScriptWhen: "end",
contentScriptFile: dataDir.url("scscc.js"),
attachTo: ["existing", "top", "frame"],
onAttach: function(worker) {
workers[wid] = {};
workers[wid].worker = worker;
workers[wid].uPrefsChanged = false;
workers[wid].currRatesChanged = false;
worker.port.emit("firstRun", [ sp.prefs, ss.currRates ]);
worker.port.on("getCurrRates", function(data) {
var fromCurr = data[0];
var toCurr = data[1];
// if a request for this exchange rate runs already, return
if (reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "runs"]) return;
// if last request was within an hour, return
if (ss.currRatesLT.hasOwnProperty(fromCurr + "to" + toCurr) && Date.now() - ss.currRatesLT[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr] < 3600000) return;
// else start request
reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "runs"] = true;
getCurrRate(fromCurr, toCurr, worker.tab.id);
worker.on("detach", function() {
for (var id in workers) {
if (workers[id].worker === this) {
delete workers[id];
// refresh marked workers on tab activate
tabs.on("activate", function(tab) {
for (var id in workers) {
if (workers[id].worker.tab && workers[id].worker.tab.id === tab.id) {
if (workers[id].uPrefsChanged) {
workers[id].uPrefsChanged = false;
// catch: The page is currently hidden and can no longer be used until it is visible again.
try {
workers[id].worker.port.emit("refreshUPrefs", sp.prefs);
catch (err) {
console.log("SCsCC - send prefs error: " + err.message);
if (workers[id].currRatesChanged) {
workers[id].currRatesChanged = false;
// catch: The page is currently hidden and can no longer be used until it is visible again.
try {
workers[id].worker.port.emit("refreshCurrRates", ss.currRates);
catch (err) {
console.log("SCsCC - send currrates error: " + err.message);
// preference change listener
sp.on("", function(prefName) {
// if notification preference changed, skip
if (prefName === "noti") return;
// on action button state change refresh the active tab immediately
if (prefName === "btn") {
sendData("UPrefs", tabs.activeTab.id);
// change the symbol on currency change
if (prefName === "toCurr") {
sp.prefs.symbol = sp.prefs[prefName];
// if a space inserted before the symbol, remove it, and set symbSep to true
if (prefName === "symbol" && (sp.prefs.symbol.charAt(0) === " " || sp.prefs.symbol.charAt(sp.prefs.symbol.length - 1) === " ")) {
if (!sp.prefs.symbSep) sp.prefs.symbSep = true;
sp.prefs.symbol = sp.prefs.symbol.trim(); //sp.prefs.symbol.slice(1);
// don't let to set the same thousand and decimal separator
if ((prefName === "sepTho" || prefName === "sepDec") && sp.prefs.sepTho === sp.prefs.sepDec) {
if (prefName === "sepTho" && sp.prefs.sepTho.trim() !== "") {
sp.prefs.sepDec = (sp.prefs.sepTho === ",") ? "." : ",";
else {
sp.prefs.sepTho = (sp.prefs.sepDec === ",") ? "." : ",";
sendData("UPrefs", false);
// reset exchange rates button listener
sp.on("resCurrRates", function() {
ss.currRates = {};
ss.currRatesLT = {};
sendData("CurrRates", false);
function showOptions() {
require("sdk/window/utils").getMostRecentBrowserWindow().BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://detail/" + encodeURIComponent(require("sdk/self").id) + "/preferences");
// get and update the exchange rate of the requested currencies
function getCurrRate(fromCurr, toCurr, tabid) {
reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "req"] = request.Request({
url: "http://www.google.com/search?q=1%20" + fromCurr + "%20to%20" + toCurr,
onComplete: function(response) { reqComplete(response, fromCurr, toCurr, tabid); }
// on getCurrRate request complete
function reqComplete(response, fromCurr, toCurr, tabid) {
var rc, rt;
console.log("SCsCC - get " + fromCurr + " to " + toCurr);
if (response.status === 200) {
ss.currRatesLT[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr] = Date.now();
rt = response.text.match(/id=["']?exchange_rate["']?(?:\s+type=["']?hidden["']?)?\s+value=["']?(\d+\.\d+)/i);
if (rt && rt.hasOwnProperty(1)) {
rc = parseFloat(rt[1]);
// if match is not a number
if (isNaN(rc)) {
reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "runs"] = false;
console.log("SCsCC - got text, but not a number");
// return if exchange rate didn't change (no refresh)
if (rc === ss.currRates[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr]) {
panel.port.emit("refreshCurrRates", [ ss.currRates, ss.currRatesLT ]);
reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "runs"] = false;
console.log("SCsCC - got " + fromCurr + " to " + toCurr + ", exchange rate didn't change",
ss.currRates[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr],
new Date(ss.currRatesLT[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr]).toUTCString());
// show notification about exchange rate updates if enabled in preferences
if (sp.prefs.noti) {
// on update
if (ss.currRates.hasOwnProperty(fromCurr + "to" + toCurr)) {
title: "SCs Currency Converter",
text: fromCurr + " to " + toCurr + " exchange rate updated:\n"
+ ss.currRates[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr] + " → " + rc,
iconURL: dataDir.url("icon48.png")
// on frist get
else {
title: "SCs Currency Converter",
text: fromCurr + " → " + toCurr + " exchange rate got:\n" + rc,
iconURL: dataDir.url("icon48.png")
console.log("SCsCC - got " + fromCurr + " to " + toCurr + ":",
ss.currRates[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr], "->", rc,
new Date(ss.currRatesLT[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr]).toUTCString());
ss.currRates[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr] = rc;
sendData("CurrRates", tabid);
else {
console.log("SCsCC - got text, but regex match failed");
else {
// will try again if requested after 10 minues
ss.currRatesLT[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr] = Date.now() - 3000000;
console.log("SCsCC - get error:", response.statusText, response.status);
reqs[fromCurr + "to" + toCurr + "runs"] = false;
function sendData(what, tabid) {
var changed, data, refresh;
refresh = "refresh" + what;
data = (what === "UPrefs") ? sp.prefs : ss.currRates;
changed = (what === "UPrefs") ? "uPrefsChanged" : "currRatesChanged";
for (var id in workers) {
if (tabid && workers[id].worker.tab && workers[id].worker.tab.id === tabid) {
// catch: The page is currently hidden and can no longer be used until it is visible again.
try {
workers[id].worker.port.emit(refresh, data);
catch (err) {
console.log("SCsCC - send " + what + " error: " + err.message);
else {
workers[id][changed] = true;
if (what === "CurrRates") panel.port.emit("refreshCurrRates", [ ss.currRates, ss.currRatesLT ]);