mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Discord-History-Tracker.git synced 2024-10-18 20:42:51 +02:00

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2 Commits

52 changed files with 1019 additions and 736 deletions

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@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
<entry key="Desktop/Dialogs/Progress/ProgressDialog.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Dialogs/TextBox/TextBoxDialog.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/AboutWindow.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Controls/AttachmentFilterPanel.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Controls/DownloadItemFilterPanel.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Controls/MessageFilterPanel.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Controls/ServerConfigurationPanel.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Controls/StatusBar.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/MainWindow.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/AdvancedPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/AttachmentsPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/DatabasePage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/DebugPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/DownloadsPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/TrackingPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Pages/ViewerPage.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />
<entry key="Desktop/Main/Screens/MainContentScreen.axaml" value="Desktop/Desktop.csproj" />

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ sealed class BytesValueConverter : IValueConverter {
private const int Scale = 1000;
private static string Convert(ulong size) {
public static string Convert(ulong size) {
int power = size == 0L ? 0 : (int) Math.Log(size, Scale);
int unit = power >= Units.Length ? Units.Length - 1 : power;
return Units[unit].Format(unit == 0 ? size : size / Math.Pow(Scale, unit));

View File

@ -32,10 +32,6 @@
<Compile Include="..\Version.cs" Link="Version.cs" />
<Compile Update="Dialogs\TextBox\TextBoxDialog.axaml.cs">

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
<controls:AttachmentFilterPanelModel />
<controls:DownloadItemFilterPanelModel />

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ using Avalonia.Controls;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Controls;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "MemberCanBeInternal")]
public sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanel : UserControl {
public AttachmentFilterPanel() {
public sealed partial class DownloadItemFilterPanel : UserControl {
public DownloadItemFilterPanel() {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Controls;
sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable {
sealed partial class DownloadItemFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable {
public sealed record Unit(string Name, uint Scale);
private static readonly Unit[] AllUnits = [
@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable
private readonly State state;
private readonly string verb;
private readonly RestartableTask<long> matchingAttachmentCountTask;
private long? matchingAttachmentCount;
private readonly RestartableTask<long> downloadItemCountTask;
private long? matchingItemCount;
private readonly IDisposable attachmentCountSubscription;
private long? totalAttachmentCount;
private readonly IDisposable downloadItemCountSubscription;
private long? totalItemCount;
public AttachmentFilterPanelModel() : this(State.Dummy) {}
public DownloadItemFilterPanelModel() : this(State.Dummy) {}
public AttachmentFilterPanelModel(State state, string verb = "Matches") {
public DownloadItemFilterPanelModel(State state, string verb = "Matches") {
this.state = state;
this.verb = verb;
this.matchingAttachmentCountTask = new RestartableTask<long>(SetAttachmentCounts, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
this.attachmentCountSubscription = state.Db.Attachments.TotalCount.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnAttachmentCountChanged);
this.downloadItemCountTask = new RestartableTask<long>(SetMatchingCount, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
this.downloadItemCountSubscription = state.Db.Downloads.TotalCount.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnDownloadItemCountChanged);
@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable
public void Dispose() {
private void OnPropertyChanged(object? sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
@ -74,8 +75,8 @@ sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable
private void OnAttachmentCountChanged(long newAttachmentCount) {
totalAttachmentCount = newAttachmentCount;
private void OnDownloadItemCountChanged(long newItemCount) {
totalItemCount = newItemCount;
@ -83,32 +84,32 @@ sealed partial class AttachmentFilterPanelModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable
private void UpdateFilterStatistics() {
var filter = CreateFilter();
if (filter.IsEmpty) {
matchingAttachmentCount = totalAttachmentCount;
matchingItemCount = totalItemCount;
else {
matchingAttachmentCount = null;
matchingItemCount = null;
matchingAttachmentCountTask.Restart(cancellationToken => state.Db.Attachments.Count(filter, cancellationToken));
downloadItemCountTask.Restart(cancellationToken => state.Db.Downloads.Count(filter, cancellationToken));
private void SetAttachmentCounts(long matchingAttachmentCount) {
this.matchingAttachmentCount = matchingAttachmentCount;
private void SetMatchingCount(long matchingAttachmentCount) {
this.matchingItemCount = matchingAttachmentCount;
private void UpdateFilterStatisticsText() {
var matchingAttachmentCountStr = matchingAttachmentCount?.Format() ?? "(...)";
var totalAttachmentCountStr = totalAttachmentCount?.Format() ?? "(...)";
var matchingItemCountStr = matchingItemCount?.Format() ?? "(...)";
var totalItemCountStr = totalItemCount?.Format() ?? "(...)";
FilterStatisticsText = verb + " " + matchingAttachmentCountStr + " out of " + totalAttachmentCountStr + " attachment" + (totalAttachmentCount is null or 1 ? "." : "s.");
FilterStatisticsText = verb + " " + matchingItemCountStr + " out of " + totalItemCountStr + " file" + (totalItemCount is null or 1 ? "." : "s.");
public AttachmentFilter CreateFilter() {
AttachmentFilter filter = new ();
public DownloadItemFilter CreateFilter() {
DownloadItemFilter filter = new ();
if (LimitSize) {
try {

View File

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.ReactiveUI;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using DHT.Desktop.Common;
using DHT.Desktop.Dialogs.Message;
using DHT.Desktop.Main.Controls;
using DHT.Server;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Aggregations;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Pages;
sealed partial class AttachmentsPageModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<AttachmentsPageModel>();
private static readonly DownloadItemFilter EnqueuedItemFilter = new () {
IncludeStatuses = new HashSet<DownloadStatus> {
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool isToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = true;
public string ToggleDownloadButtonText => IsDownloading ? "Stop Downloading" : "Start Downloading";
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool isRetryingFailedDownloads = false;
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool hasFailedDownloads;
public bool IsRetryFailedOnDownloadsButtonEnabled => !IsRetryingFailedDownloads && HasFailedDownloads;
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private string downloadMessage = "";
public double DownloadProgress => totalItemsToDownloadCount is null or 0 ? 0.0 : 100.0 * doneItemsCount / totalItemsToDownloadCount.Value;
public AttachmentFilterPanelModel FilterModel { get; }
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsEnqueued = new ("Enqueued");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsDownloaded = new ("Downloaded");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsFailed = new ("Failed");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsSkipped = new ("Skipped");
public ObservableCollection<StatisticsRow> StatisticsRows { get; }
public bool IsDownloading => state.Downloader.IsDownloading;
private readonly Window window;
private readonly State state;
private readonly ThrottledTask<int> enqueueDownloadItemsTask;
private readonly ThrottledTask<DownloadStatusStatistics> downloadStatisticsTask;
private readonly IDisposable attachmentCountSubscription;
private readonly IDisposable downloadCountSubscription;
private IDisposable? finishedItemsSubscription;
private int doneItemsCount;
private int totalEnqueuedItemCount;
private int? totalItemsToDownloadCount;
public AttachmentsPageModel() : this(null!, State.Dummy) {}
public AttachmentsPageModel(Window window, State state) {
this.window = window;
this.state = state;
FilterModel = new AttachmentFilterPanelModel(state);
StatisticsRows = [
enqueueDownloadItemsTask = new ThrottledTask<int>(OnItemsEnqueued, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
downloadStatisticsTask = new ThrottledTask<DownloadStatusStatistics>(UpdateStatistics, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
attachmentCountSubscription = state.Db.Attachments.TotalCount.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnAttachmentCountChanged);
downloadCountSubscription = state.Db.Downloads.TotalCount.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnDownloadCountChanged);
public void Dispose() {
private void OnAttachmentCountChanged(long newAttachmentCount) {
if (IsDownloading) {
else {
private void OnDownloadCountChanged(long newDownloadCount) {
private async Task EnqueueDownloadItems() {
try {
OnItemsEnqueued(await state.Db.Downloads.EnqueueDownloadItems(CreateAttachmentFilter()));
} catch (Exception e) {
await Dialog.ShowOk(window, "Download Error", "Failed to enqueue items for download.");
private void EnqueueDownloadItemsLater() {
var filter = CreateAttachmentFilter();
enqueueDownloadItemsTask.Post(cancellationToken => state.Db.Downloads.EnqueueDownloadItems(filter, cancellationToken));
private void OnItemsEnqueued(int itemCount) {
totalEnqueuedItemCount += itemCount;
totalItemsToDownloadCount = totalEnqueuedItemCount;
private AttachmentFilter CreateAttachmentFilter() {
var filter = FilterModel.CreateFilter();
filter.DownloadItemRule = AttachmentFilter.DownloadItemRules.OnlyNotPresent;
return filter;
public async Task OnClickToggleDownload() {
IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = false;
if (IsDownloading) {
await state.Downloader.Stop();
finishedItemsSubscription = null;
await state.Db.Downloads.RemoveDownloadItems(EnqueuedItemFilter, FilterRemovalMode.RemoveMatching);
doneItemsCount = 0;
totalEnqueuedItemCount = 0;
totalItemsToDownloadCount = null;
else {
var finishedItems = await state.Downloader.Start();
finishedItemsSubscription = finishedItems.Select(static _ => true)
.Select(static items => items.Count)
.Where(static items => items > 0)
await EnqueueDownloadItems();
IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = true;
private void OnItemsFinished(int finishedItemCount) {
doneItemsCount += finishedItemCount;
public async Task OnClickRetryFailedDownloads() {
IsRetryingFailedDownloads = true;
try {
var allExceptFailedFilter = new DownloadItemFilter {
IncludeStatuses = new HashSet<DownloadStatus> {
await state.Db.Downloads.RemoveDownloadItems(allExceptFailedFilter, FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching);
if (IsDownloading) {
await EnqueueDownloadItems();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
IsRetryingFailedDownloads = false;
private void RecomputeDownloadStatistics() {
private void UpdateStatistics(DownloadStatusStatistics statusStatistics) {
statisticsEnqueued.Items = statusStatistics.EnqueuedCount;
statisticsEnqueued.Size = statusStatistics.EnqueuedSize;
statisticsDownloaded.Items = statusStatistics.SuccessfulCount;
statisticsDownloaded.Size = statusStatistics.SuccessfulSize;
statisticsFailed.Items = statusStatistics.FailedCount;
statisticsFailed.Size = statusStatistics.FailedSize;
statisticsSkipped.Items = statusStatistics.SkippedCount;
statisticsSkipped.Size = statusStatistics.SkippedSize;
HasFailedDownloads = statusStatistics.FailedCount > 0;
private void UpdateDownloadMessage() {
DownloadMessage = IsDownloading ? doneItemsCount.Format() + " / " + (totalItemsToDownloadCount?.Format() ?? "?") : "";
public sealed partial class StatisticsRow(string state) {
public string State { get; } = state;
private int items;
private ulong? size;

View File

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
<pages:AttachmentsPageModel />
<pages:DownloadsPageModel />
@ -31,19 +31,15 @@
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="20">
<Button Command="{Binding OnClickToggleDownload}" Content="{Binding ToggleDownloadButtonText}" IsEnabled="{Binding IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled}" DockPanel.Dock="Left" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DownloadMessage}" MinWidth="100" Margin="10 0 0 0" VerticalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Right" DockPanel.Dock="Left" />
<ProgressBar Value="{Binding DownloadProgress}" IsVisible="{Binding IsDownloading}" Margin="15 0" VerticalAlignment="Center" DockPanel.Dock="Right" />
<controls:AttachmentFilterPanel DataContext="{Binding FilterModel}" IsEnabled="{Binding !IsDownloading, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=pages:AttachmentsPageModel}}" />
<Button Command="{Binding OnClickToggleDownload}" Content="{Binding ToggleDownloadButtonText}" IsEnabled="{Binding IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled}" />
<controls:DownloadItemFilterPanel DataContext="{Binding FilterModel}" IsEnabled="{Binding !$parent[UserControl].((pages:DownloadsPageModel)DataContext).IsDownloading}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="12">
<Expander Header="Download Status" IsExpanded="True">
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding StatisticsRows}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserReorderColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="False" CanUserSortColumns="False" IsReadOnly="True">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="State" Binding="{Binding State}" Width="*" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Attachments" Binding="{Binding Items, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource NumberValueConverter}}" Width="*" CellStyleClasses="right" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Size" Binding="{Binding Size, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource BytesValueConverter}}" Width="*" CellStyleClasses="right" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="State" Binding="{Binding State, Mode=OneWay}" Width="*" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Files" Binding="{Binding Items, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource NumberValueConverter}}" Width="*" CellStyleClasses="right" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Size" Binding="{Binding SizeText, Mode=OneWay}" Width="*" CellStyleClasses="right" />

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ using Avalonia.Controls;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Pages;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "MemberCanBeInternal")]
public sealed partial class AttachmentsPage : UserControl {
public AttachmentsPage() {
public sealed partial class DownloadsPage : UserControl {
public DownloadsPage() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Avalonia.ReactiveUI;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using DHT.Desktop.Common;
using DHT.Desktop.Main.Controls;
using DHT.Server;
using DHT.Server.Data.Aggregations;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
namespace DHT.Desktop.Main.Pages;
sealed partial class DownloadsPageModel : ObservableObject, IDisposable {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<DownloadsPageModel>();
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool isToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = true;
public string ToggleDownloadButtonText => IsDownloading ? "Stop Downloading" : "Start Downloading";
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool isRetryingFailedDownloads = false;
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private bool hasFailedDownloads;
public bool IsRetryFailedOnDownloadsButtonEnabled => !IsRetryingFailedDownloads && HasFailedDownloads;
[ObservableProperty(Setter = Access.Private)]
private string downloadMessage = "";
public DownloadItemFilterPanelModel FilterModel { get; }
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsPending = new ("Pending");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsDownloaded = new ("Downloaded");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsFailed = new ("Failed");
private readonly StatisticsRow statisticsSkipped = new ("Skipped");
public ObservableCollection<StatisticsRow> StatisticsRows { get; }
public bool IsDownloading => state.Downloader.IsDownloading;
private readonly State state;
private readonly ThrottledTask<DownloadStatusStatistics> downloadStatisticsTask;
private readonly IDisposable downloadItemCountSubscription;
private IDisposable? finishedItemsSubscription;
private DownloadItemFilter? currentDownloadFilter;
public DownloadsPageModel() : this(State.Dummy) {}
public DownloadsPageModel(State state) {
this.state = state;
FilterModel = new DownloadItemFilterPanelModel(state);
StatisticsRows = [
downloadStatisticsTask = new ThrottledTask<DownloadStatusStatistics>(Log, UpdateStatistics, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
downloadItemCountSubscription = state.Db.Downloads.TotalCount.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnDownloadCountChanged);
public void Dispose() {
private void OnDownloadCountChanged(long newDownloadCount) {
public async Task OnClickToggleDownload() {
IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = false;
if (IsDownloading) {
await state.Downloader.Stop();
await state.Db.Downloads.MoveDownloadingItemsBackToQueue();
finishedItemsSubscription = null;
currentDownloadFilter = null;
else {
await state.Db.Downloads.MoveDownloadingItemsBackToQueue();
var finishedItems = await state.Downloader.Start(currentDownloadFilter = FilterModel.CreateFilter());
finishedItemsSubscription = finishedItems.ObserveOn(AvaloniaScheduler.Instance).Subscribe(OnItemFinished);
IsToggleDownloadButtonEnabled = true;
private void OnItemFinished(DownloadItem item) {
public async Task OnClickRetryFailedDownloads() {
IsRetryingFailedDownloads = true;
try {
await state.Db.Downloads.RetryFailed();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
IsRetryingFailedDownloads = false;
private void RecomputeDownloadStatistics() {
downloadStatisticsTask.Post(cancellationToken => state.Db.Downloads.GetStatistics(currentDownloadFilter ?? new DownloadItemFilter(), cancellationToken));
private void UpdateStatistics(DownloadStatusStatistics statusStatistics) {
statisticsPending.Items = statusStatistics.PendingCount;
statisticsPending.Size = statusStatistics.PendingTotalSize;
statisticsPending.HasFilesWithUnknownSize = statusStatistics.PendingWithUnknownSizeCount > 0;
statisticsDownloaded.Items = statusStatistics.SuccessfulCount;
statisticsDownloaded.Size = statusStatistics.SuccessfulTotalSize;
statisticsDownloaded.HasFilesWithUnknownSize = statusStatistics.SuccessfulWithUnknownSizeCount > 0;
statisticsFailed.Items = statusStatistics.FailedCount;
statisticsFailed.Size = statusStatistics.FailedTotalSize;
statisticsFailed.HasFilesWithUnknownSize = statusStatistics.FailedWithUnknownSizeCount > 0;
statisticsSkipped.Items = statusStatistics.SkippedCount;
statisticsSkipped.Size = statusStatistics.SkippedTotalSize;
statisticsSkipped.HasFilesWithUnknownSize = statusStatistics.SkippedWithUnknownSizeCount > 0;
HasFailedDownloads = statusStatistics.FailedCount > 0;
public sealed partial class StatisticsRow(string state) {
public string State { get; } = state;
private int items;
private ulong? size;
private bool hasFilesWithUnknownSize;
public string SizeText {
get {
if (size == null) {
return "-";
else if (hasFilesWithUnknownSize) {
return "\u2265 " + BytesValueConverter.Convert(size.Value);
else {
return BytesValueConverter.Convert(size.Value);

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
<Border Classes="statusBar" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<TextBlock Classes="invisibleTabItem" DockPanel.Dock="Left">Attachments</TextBlock>
<TextBlock Classes="invisibleTabItem" DockPanel.Dock="Left">Downloads</TextBlock>
<controls:StatusBar DataContext="{Binding StatusBarModel}" DockPanel.Dock="Right" />
@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding TrackingPage}" Classes="page" />
<TabItem x:Name="TabAttachments" Header="Attachments" Grid.Row="2">
<TabItem x:Name="TabDownloads" Header="Downloads" Grid.Row="2">
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding AttachmentsPage}" Classes="page" />
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding DownloadsPage}" Classes="page" />
<TabItem x:Name="TabViewer" Header="Viewer" Grid.Row="3">

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ sealed class MainContentScreenModel : IDisposable {
public TrackingPage TrackingPage { get; }
private TrackingPageModel TrackingPageModel { get; }
public AttachmentsPage AttachmentsPage { get; }
private AttachmentsPageModel AttachmentsPageModel { get; }
public DownloadsPage DownloadsPage { get; }
private DownloadsPageModel DownloadsPageModel { get; }
public ViewerPage ViewerPage { get; }
private ViewerPageModel ViewerPageModel { get; }
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ sealed class MainContentScreenModel : IDisposable {
TrackingPageModel = new TrackingPageModel(window);
TrackingPage = new TrackingPage { DataContext = TrackingPageModel };
AttachmentsPageModel = new AttachmentsPageModel(window, state);
AttachmentsPage = new AttachmentsPage { DataContext = AttachmentsPageModel };
DownloadsPageModel = new DownloadsPageModel(state);
DownloadsPage = new DownloadsPage { DataContext = DownloadsPageModel };
ViewerPageModel = new ViewerPageModel(window, state);
ViewerPage = new ViewerPage { DataContext = ViewerPageModel };
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sealed class MainContentScreenModel : IDisposable {
public void Dispose() {

View File

@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
namespace DHT.Server.Data.Aggregations;
public sealed class DownloadStatusStatistics {
public int EnqueuedCount { get; internal set; }
public ulong EnqueuedSize { get; internal set; }
public int PendingCount { get; internal init; }
public ulong PendingTotalSize { get; internal init; }
public int PendingWithUnknownSizeCount { get; internal init; }
public int SuccessfulCount { get; internal set; }
public ulong SuccessfulSize { get; internal set; }
public int SuccessfulCount { get; internal init; }
public ulong SuccessfulTotalSize { get; internal init; }
public int SuccessfulWithUnknownSizeCount { get; internal init; }
public int FailedCount { get; internal set; }
public ulong FailedSize { get; internal set; }
public int FailedCount { get; internal init; }
public ulong FailedTotalSize { get; internal init; }
public int FailedWithUnknownSizeCount { get; internal init; }
public int SkippedCount { get; internal set; }
public ulong SkippedSize { get; internal set; }
public int SkippedCount { get; internal init; }
public ulong SkippedTotalSize { get; internal init; }
public int SkippedWithUnknownSizeCount { get; internal init; }

View File

@ -1,33 +1,17 @@
using System;
using System.Net;
using DHT.Server.Download;
namespace DHT.Server.Data;
public readonly struct Download {
internal static Download NewSuccess(DownloadItem item, byte[] data) {
return new Download(item.NormalizedUrl, item.DownloadUrl, DownloadStatus.Success, (ulong) Math.Max(data.LongLength, 0), data);
internal static Download NewFailure(DownloadItem item, HttpStatusCode? statusCode, ulong size) {
return new Download(item.NormalizedUrl, item.DownloadUrl, statusCode.HasValue ? (DownloadStatus) (int) statusCode : DownloadStatus.GenericError, size);
public sealed class Download {
public string NormalizedUrl { get; }
public string DownloadUrl { get; }
public DownloadStatus Status { get; }
public ulong Size { get; }
public byte[]? Data { get; }
public string? Type { get; }
public ulong? Size { get; }
internal Download(string normalizedUrl, string downloadUrl, DownloadStatus status, ulong size, byte[]? data = null) {
internal Download(string normalizedUrl, string downloadUrl, DownloadStatus status, string? type, ulong? size) {
NormalizedUrl = normalizedUrl;
DownloadUrl = downloadUrl;
Status = status;
Type = type;
Size = size;
Data = data;
internal Download WithData(byte[] data) {
return new Download(NormalizedUrl, DownloadUrl, Status, Size, data);

View File

@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ namespace DHT.Server.Data;
/// Extends <see cref="HttpStatusCode"/> with custom status codes in the range 0-99.
/// </summary>
public enum DownloadStatus {
Enqueued = 0,
Pending = 0,
GenericError = 1,
Downloading = 2,
LastCustomCode = 99,
Success = HttpStatusCode.OK

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
namespace DHT.Server.Data;
public readonly record struct DownloadWithData(Download Download, byte[]? Data);

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
namespace DHT.Server.Data;
public readonly struct DownloadedAttachment {
public string? Type { get; internal init; }
public byte[] Data { get; internal init; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace DHT.Server.Data.Embeds;
sealed class DiscordEmbedJson {
public string? Type { get; set; }
public string? Url { get; set; }
public JsonImage? Image { get; set; }
public JsonImage? Thumbnail { get; set; }
public JsonImage? Video { get; set; }
public sealed class JsonImage {
public string? Url { get; set; }
public string? ProxyUrl { get; set; }
public int? Width { get; set; }
public int? Height { get; set; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace DHT.Server.Data.Embeds;
[JsonSourceGenerationOptions(PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonKnownNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower, GenerationMode = JsonSourceGenerationMode.Default)]
sealed partial class DiscordEmbedJsonContext : JsonSerializerContext;

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
namespace DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
public sealed class AttachmentFilter {
public ulong? MaxBytes { get; set; } = null;
public DownloadItemRules? DownloadItemRule { get; set; } = null;
public bool IsEmpty => MaxBytes == null &&
DownloadItemRule == null;
public enum DownloadItemRules {

View File

@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
public sealed class DownloadItemFilter {
public HashSet<DownloadStatus>? IncludeStatuses { get; init; } = null;
public HashSet<DownloadStatus>? ExcludeStatuses { get; init; } = null;
public HashSet<DownloadStatus>? IncludeStatuses { get; set; } = null;
public HashSet<DownloadStatus>? ExcludeStatuses { get; set; } = null;
public bool IsEmpty => IncludeStatuses == null && ExcludeStatuses == null;
public ulong? MaxBytes { get; set; } = null;
public bool IsEmpty => IncludeStatuses == null && ExcludeStatuses == null && MaxBytes == null;

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ public static class DatabaseExtensions {
await target.Messages.Add(batchedMessages);
await foreach (var download in source.Downloads.GetWithoutData()) {
await target.Downloads.AddDownload(download.Status == DownloadStatus.Success ? await source.Downloads.HydrateWithData(download) : download);
await foreach (var download in source.Downloads.Get()) {
await target.Downloads.AddDownload(await source.Downloads.HydrateWithData(download));

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ sealed class DummyDatabaseFile : IDatabaseFile {
public IServerRepository Servers { get; } = new IServerRepository.Dummy();
public IChannelRepository Channels { get; } = new IChannelRepository.Dummy();
public IMessageRepository Messages { get; } = new IMessageRepository.Dummy();
public IAttachmentRepository Attachments { get; } = new IAttachmentRepository.Dummy();
public IDownloadRepository Downloads { get; } = new IDownloadRepository.Dummy();
private DummyDatabaseFile() {}

View File

@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ public sealed class LiveViewerExportStrategy : IViewerExportStrategy {
public string GetAttachmentUrl(Attachment attachment) {
return "" + safePort + "/get-attachment/" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(attachment.NormalizedUrl) + "?token=" + safeToken;
return "" + safePort + "/get-downloaded-file/" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(attachment.NormalizedUrl) + "?token=" + safeToken;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ public interface IDatabaseFile : IAsyncDisposable {
IServerRepository Servers { get; }
IChannelRepository Channels { get; }
IMessageRepository Messages { get; }
IAttachmentRepository Attachments { get; }
IDownloadRepository Downloads { get; }
Task Vacuum();

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
public interface IAttachmentRepository {
IObservable<long> TotalCount { get; }
Task<long> Count(AttachmentFilter? filter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
internal sealed class Dummy : IAttachmentRepository {
public IObservable<long> TotalCount { get; } = Observable.Return(0L);
public Task<long> Count(AttachmentFilter? filter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
return Task.FromResult(0L);

View File

@ -14,55 +14,61 @@ namespace DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
public interface IDownloadRepository {
IObservable<long> TotalCount { get; }
Task AddDownload(Data.Download download);
Task AddDownload(DownloadWithData item);
Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Task<long> Count(DownloadItemFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> GetWithoutData();
Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(DownloadItemFilter nonSkippedFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Task<Data.Download> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download);
IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> Get();
Task<DownloadedAttachment?> GetDownloadedAttachment(string normalizedUrl);
Task<DownloadWithData> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download);
Task<int> EnqueueDownloadItems(AttachmentFilter? filter = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Task<DownloadWithData?> GetSuccessfulDownloadWithData(string normalizedUrl);
IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullEnqueuedDownloadItems(int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullPendingDownloadItems(int count, DownloadItemFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Task RemoveDownloadItems(DownloadItemFilter? filter, FilterRemovalMode mode);
Task MoveDownloadingItemsBackToQueue(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Task<int> RetryFailed(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
internal sealed class Dummy : IDownloadRepository {
public IObservable<long> TotalCount { get; } = Observable.Return(0L);
public Task AddDownload(Data.Download download) {
public Task AddDownload(DownloadWithData item) {
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
public Task<long> Count(DownloadItemFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.FromResult(0L);
public Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(DownloadItemFilter nonSkippedFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.FromResult(new DownloadStatusStatistics());
public IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> GetWithoutData() {
public IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> Get() {
return AsyncEnumerable.Empty<Data.Download>();
public Task<Data.Download> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download) {
return Task.FromResult(download);
public Task<DownloadWithData> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download) {
return Task.FromResult(new DownloadWithData(download, Data: null));
public Task<DownloadedAttachment?> GetDownloadedAttachment(string normalizedUrl) {
return Task.FromResult<DownloadedAttachment?>(null);
public Task<DownloadWithData?> GetSuccessfulDownloadWithData(string normalizedUrl) {
return Task.FromResult<DownloadWithData?>(null);
public Task<int> EnqueueDownloadItems(AttachmentFilter? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.FromResult(0);
public IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullEnqueuedDownloadItems(int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
public IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullPendingDownloadItems(int count, DownloadItemFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return AsyncEnumerable.Empty<DownloadItem>();
public Task RemoveDownloadItems(DownloadItemFilter? filter, FilterRemovalMode mode) {
public Task MoveDownloadingItemsBackToQueue(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task<int> RetryFailed(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Task.FromResult(0);

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
abstract class BaseSqliteRepository : IDisposable {
private readonly ObservableThrottledTask<long> totalCountTask = new (TaskScheduler.Default);
private readonly ObservableThrottledTask<long> totalCountTask;
public IObservable<long> TotalCount => totalCountTask;
public IObservable<long> TotalCount { get; }
protected BaseSqliteRepository() {
protected BaseSqliteRepository(Log log) {
totalCountTask = new ObservableThrottledTask<long>(log, TaskScheduler.Default);
TotalCount = totalCountTask.DistinctUntilChanged();

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteAttachmentRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IAttachmentRepository {
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
public SqliteAttachmentRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
this.pool = pool;
internal new void UpdateTotalCount() {
public override Task<long> Count(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Count(filter: null, cancellationToken);
public async Task<long> Count(AttachmentFilter? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
return await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT normalized_url) FROM attachments a" + filter.GenerateWhereClause("a"), static reader => reader?.GetInt64(0) ?? 0L, cancellationToken);

View File

@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteChannelRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IChannelRepository {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteChannelRepository>();
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
public SqliteChannelRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
public SqliteChannelRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) : base(Log) {
this.pool = pool;

View File

@ -9,140 +9,204 @@ using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteDownloadRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IDownloadRepository {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteDownloadRepository>();
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
public SqliteDownloadRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
public SqliteDownloadRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) : base(Log) {
this.pool = pool;
public async Task AddDownload(Data.Download download) {
internal sealed class NewDownloadCollector : IAsyncDisposable {
private readonly SqliteDownloadRepository repository;
private bool hasAdded = false;
private readonly SqliteCommand metadataCmd;
public NewDownloadCollector(SqliteDownloadRepository repository, ISqliteConnection conn) {
this.repository = repository;
metadataCmd = conn.Command(
INSERT INTO download_metadata (normalized_url, download_url, status, type, size)
VALUES (:normalized_url, :download_url, :status, :type, :size)
metadataCmd.Add(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text);
metadataCmd.Add(":download_url", SqliteType.Text);
metadataCmd.Add(":status", SqliteType.Integer);
metadataCmd.Add(":type", SqliteType.Text);
metadataCmd.Add(":size", SqliteType.Integer);
public async Task Add(Data.Download download) {
metadataCmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
metadataCmd.Set(":download_url", download.DownloadUrl);
metadataCmd.Set(":status", (int) download.Status);
metadataCmd.Set(":type", download.Type);
metadataCmd.Set(":size", download.Size);
hasAdded |= await metadataCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync() > 0;
public void OnCommitted() {
if (hasAdded) {
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() {
await metadataCmd.DisposeAsync();
public async Task AddDownload(DownloadWithData item) {
var (download, data) = item;
await using (var conn = await pool.Take()) {
await using var cmd = conn.Upsert("downloads", [
var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
await using var metadataCmd = conn.Upsert("download_metadata", [
("normalized_url", SqliteType.Text),
("download_url", SqliteType.Text),
("status", SqliteType.Integer),
("type", SqliteType.Text),
("size", SqliteType.Integer),
("blob", SqliteType.Blob)
cmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
cmd.Set(":download_url", download.DownloadUrl);
cmd.Set(":status", (int) download.Status);
cmd.Set(":size", download.Size);
cmd.Set(":blob", download.Data);
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
metadataCmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
metadataCmd.Set(":download_url", download.DownloadUrl);
metadataCmd.Set(":status", (int) download.Status);
metadataCmd.Set(":type", download.Type);
metadataCmd.Set(":size", download.Size);
await metadataCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
if (data == null) {
await using var deleteBlobCmd = conn.Command("DELETE FROM download_blobs WHERE normalized_url = :normalized_url");
deleteBlobCmd.AddAndSet(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text, download.NormalizedUrl);
await deleteBlobCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
else {
await using var upsertBlobCmd = conn.Upsert("download_blobs", [
("normalized_url", SqliteType.Text),
("blob", SqliteType.Blob)
upsertBlobCmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
upsertBlobCmd.Set(":blob", data);
await upsertBlobCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
await tx.CommitAsync();
public override async Task<long> Count(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
return await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM downloads", static reader => reader?.GetInt64(0) ?? 0L, cancellationToken);
public override Task<long> Count(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Count(filter: null, cancellationToken);
public async Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
static async Task LoadUndownloadedStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn, DownloadStatusStatistics result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var cmd = conn.Command(
FROM (SELECT MAX(a.size) size
FROM attachments a
WHERE a.normalized_url NOT IN (SELECT d.normalized_url FROM downloads d)
GROUP BY a.normalized_url)
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken);
if (await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken)) {
result.SkippedCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
result.SkippedSize = reader.GetUint64(1);
static async Task LoadSuccessStatistics(ISqliteConnection conn, DownloadStatusStatistics result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var cmd = conn.Command(
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status IN (:enqueued, :downloading) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status IN (:enqueued, :downloading) THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status NOT IN (:enqueued, :downloading) AND status != :success THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status NOT IN (:enqueued, :downloading) AND status != :success THEN size ELSE 0 END), 0)
FROM downloads
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
cmd.AddAndSet(":downloading", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Downloading);
cmd.AddAndSet(":success", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Success);
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken);
if (await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken)) {
result.EnqueuedCount = reader.GetInt32(0);
result.EnqueuedSize = reader.GetUint64(1);
result.SuccessfulCount = reader.GetInt32(2);
result.SuccessfulSize = reader.GetUint64(3);
result.FailedCount = reader.GetInt32(4);
result.FailedSize = reader.GetUint64(5);
var result = new DownloadStatusStatistics();
public async Task<long> Count(DownloadItemFilter? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await LoadUndownloadedStatistics(conn, result, cancellationToken);
await LoadSuccessStatistics(conn, result, cancellationToken);
return result;
return await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM download_metadata" + filter.GenerateConditions().BuildWhereClause(), static reader => reader?.GetInt64(0) ?? 0L, cancellationToken);
public async IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> GetWithoutData() {
public async Task<DownloadStatusStatistics> GetStatistics(DownloadItemFilter nonSkippedFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
nonSkippedFilter.IncludeStatuses = null;
nonSkippedFilter.ExcludeStatuses = null;
string nonSkippedFilterConditions = nonSkippedFilter.GenerateConditions().Build();
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url, download_url, status, size FROM downloads");
await using var cmd = conn.Command(
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN (status = :downloading) OR (status = :pending AND {nonSkippedFilterConditions}) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN (status = :downloading) OR (status = :pending AND {nonSkippedFilterConditions}) THEN IFNULL(size, 0) ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN ((status = :downloading) OR (status = :pending AND {nonSkippedFilterConditions})) AND size IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success THEN IFNULL(size, 0) ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :success AND size IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status NOT IN (:pending, :downloading, :success) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status NOT IN (:pending, :downloading, :success) THEN IFNULL(size, 0) ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status NOT IN (:pending, :downloading, :success) AND size IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :pending AND NOT ({nonSkippedFilterConditions}) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :pending AND NOT ({nonSkippedFilterConditions}) THEN IFNULL(size, 0) ELSE 0 END), 0),
IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN status = :pending AND NOT ({nonSkippedFilterConditions}) AND size IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0)
FROM download_metadata
cmd.AddAndSet(":pending", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Pending);
cmd.AddAndSet(":downloading", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Downloading);
cmd.AddAndSet(":success", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Success);
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken);
if (!await reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken)) {
return new DownloadStatusStatistics();
return new DownloadStatusStatistics {
PendingCount = reader.GetInt32(0),
PendingTotalSize = reader.GetUint64(1),
PendingWithUnknownSizeCount = reader.GetInt32(2),
SuccessfulCount = reader.GetInt32(3),
SuccessfulTotalSize = reader.GetUint64(4),
SuccessfulWithUnknownSizeCount = reader.GetInt32(5),
FailedCount = reader.GetInt32(6),
FailedTotalSize = reader.GetUint64(7),
FailedWithUnknownSizeCount = reader.GetInt32(8),
SkippedCount = reader.GetInt32(9),
SkippedTotalSize = reader.GetUint64(10),
SkippedWithUnknownSizeCount = reader.GetInt32(11)
public async IAsyncEnumerable<Data.Download> Get() {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url, download_url, status, type, size FROM download_metadata");
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
string normalizedUrl = reader.GetString(0);
string downloadUrl = reader.GetString(1);
var status = (DownloadStatus) reader.GetInt32(2);
ulong size = reader.GetUint64(3);
string? type = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetString(3);
ulong? size = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? null : reader.GetUint64(4);
yield return new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, downloadUrl, status, size);
yield return new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, downloadUrl, status, type, size);
public async Task<Data.Download> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download) {
public async Task<DownloadWithData> HydrateWithData(Data.Download download) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT blob FROM downloads WHERE normalized_url = :url");
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT blob FROM download_blobs WHERE normalized_url = :url");
cmd.AddAndSet(":url", SqliteType.Text, download.NormalizedUrl);
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
var data = await reader.ReadAsync() && !reader.IsDBNull(0) ? (byte[]) reader["blob"] : null;
if (await reader.ReadAsync() && !reader.IsDBNull(0)) {
return download.WithData((byte[]) reader["blob"]);
else {
return download;
return new DownloadWithData(download, data);
public async Task<DownloadedAttachment?> GetDownloadedAttachment(string normalizedUrl) {
public async Task<DownloadWithData?> GetSuccessfulDownloadWithData(string normalizedUrl) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command(
SELECT a.type, d.blob FROM downloads d
LEFT JOIN attachments a ON d.normalized_url = a.normalized_url
WHERE d.normalized_url = :normalized_url AND d.status = :success AND d.blob IS NOT NULL
SELECT dm.download_url, dm.type, db.blob FROM download_metadata dm
JOIN download_blobs db ON dm.normalized_url = db.normalized_url
WHERE dm.normalized_url = :normalized_url AND dm.status = :success IS NOT NULL
@ -155,36 +219,31 @@ sealed class SqliteDownloadRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IDownloadRepositor
return null;
return new DownloadedAttachment {
Type = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? null : reader.GetString(0),
Data = (byte[]) reader["blob"],
var downloadUrl = reader.GetString(0);
var type = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? null : reader.GetString(1);
var data = (byte[]) reader[2];
var size = (ulong) data.LongLength;
var download = new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, downloadUrl, DownloadStatus.Success, type, size);
return new DownloadWithData(download, data);
public async Task<int> EnqueueDownloadItems(AttachmentFilter? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
public async IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullPendingDownloadItems(int count, DownloadItemFilter filter, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
filter.IncludeStatuses = [DownloadStatus.Pending];
filter.ExcludeStatuses = null;
await using var cmd = conn.Command(
INSERT INTO downloads (normalized_url, download_url, status, size)
SELECT a.normalized_url, a.download_url, :enqueued, MAX(a.size)
FROM attachments a
GROUP BY a.normalized_url
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
return await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken);
public async IAsyncEnumerable<DownloadItem> PullEnqueuedDownloadItems(int count, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
var found = new List<DownloadItem>();
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using (var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url, download_url, size FROM downloads WHERE status = :enqueued LIMIT :limit")) {
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
var sql = $"""
SELECT normalized_url, download_url, type, size
FROM download_metadata
LIMIT :limit
await using (var cmd = conn.Command(sql)) {
cmd.AddAndSet(":limit", SqliteType.Integer, Math.Max(0, count));
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken);
@ -193,14 +252,15 @@ sealed class SqliteDownloadRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IDownloadRepositor
found.Add(new DownloadItem {
NormalizedUrl = reader.GetString(0),
DownloadUrl = reader.GetString(1),
Size = reader.GetUint64(2),
Type = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? null : reader.GetString(2),
Size = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetUint64(3)
if (found.Count != 0) {
await using var cmd = conn.Command("UPDATE downloads SET status = :downloading WHERE normalized_url = :normalized_url AND status = :enqueued");
cmd.AddAndSet(":enqueued", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Enqueued);
await using var cmd = conn.Command("UPDATE download_metadata SET status = :downloading WHERE normalized_url = :normalized_url AND status = :pending");
cmd.AddAndSet(":pending", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Pending);
cmd.AddAndSet(":downloading", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Downloading);
cmd.Add(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text);
@ -214,17 +274,23 @@ sealed class SqliteDownloadRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IDownloadRepositor
public async Task RemoveDownloadItems(DownloadItemFilter? filter, FilterRemovalMode mode) {
await using (var conn = await pool.Take()) {
await conn.ExecuteAsync(
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM downloads
{filter.GenerateWhereClause(invert: mode == FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching)}
public async Task MoveDownloadingItemsBackToQueue(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("UPDATE download_metadata SET status = :pending WHERE status = :downloading");
cmd.AddAndSet(":pending", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Pending);
cmd.AddAndSet(":downloading", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Downloading);
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken);
public async Task<int> RetryFailed(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("UPDATE download_metadata SET status = :pending WHERE status = :generic_error OR (status > :last_custom_code AND status != :success)");
cmd.AddAndSet(":pending", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Pending);
cmd.AddAndSet(":generic_error", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.GenericError);
cmd.AddAndSet(":last_custom_code", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.LastCustomCode);
cmd.AddAndSet(":success", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Success);
return await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken);

View File

@ -7,17 +7,21 @@ using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository {
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
private readonly SqliteAttachmentRepository attachments;
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteMessageRepository>();
public SqliteMessageRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool, SqliteAttachmentRepository attachments) {
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
private readonly SqliteDownloadRepository downloads;
public SqliteMessageRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool, SqliteDownloadRepository downloads) : base(Log) {
this.pool = pool;
this.attachments = attachments;
this.downloads = downloads;
public async Task Add(IReadOnlyList<Message> messages) {
@ -34,8 +38,6 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
bool addedAttachments = false;
await using (var conn = await pool.Take()) {
await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
@ -89,6 +91,8 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
("count", SqliteType.Integer)
await using var downloadCollector = new SqliteDownloadRepository.NewDownloadCollector(downloads, conn);
foreach (var message in messages) {
object messageId = message.Id;
@ -119,8 +123,6 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
if (!message.Attachments.IsEmpty) {
addedAttachments = true;
foreach (var attachment in message.Attachments) {
attachmentCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
attachmentCmd.Set(":attachment_id", attachment.Id);
@ -132,6 +134,8 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
attachmentCmd.Set(":width", attachment.Width);
attachmentCmd.Set(":height", attachment.Height);
await attachmentCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
await downloadCollector.Add(DownloadLinkExtractor.FromAttachment(attachment));
@ -140,6 +144,10 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
embedCmd.Set(":message_id", messageId);
embedCmd.Set(":json", embed.Json);
await embedCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
if (DownloadLinkExtractor.TryFromEmbedJson(embed.Json) is {} download) {
await downloadCollector.Add(download);
@ -151,18 +159,19 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
reactionCmd.Set(":emoji_flags", (int) reaction.EmojiFlags);
reactionCmd.Set(":count", reaction.Count);
await reactionCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
if (reaction.EmojiId is {} emojiId) {
await downloadCollector.Add(DownloadLinkExtractor.FromEmoji(emojiId, reaction.EmojiFlags));
await tx.CommitAsync();
if (addedAttachments) {
public override Task<long> Count(CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
@ -171,7 +180,7 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
public async Task<long> Count(MessageFilter? filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
return await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages" + filter.GenerateWhereClause(), static reader => reader?.GetInt64(0) ?? 0L, cancellationToken);
return await conn.ExecuteReaderAsync("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages" + filter.GenerateConditions().BuildWhereClause(), static reader => reader?.GetInt64(0) ?? 0L, cancellationToken);
private sealed class MesageToManyCommand<T> : IAsyncDisposable {
@ -256,7 +265,7 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
FROM messages m
LEFT JOIN edit_timestamps et ON m.message_id = et.message_id
LEFT JOIN replied_to rt ON m.message_id = rt.message_id
@ -283,7 +292,7 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
public async IAsyncEnumerable<ulong> GetIds(MessageFilter? filter) {
await using var conn = await pool.Take();
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id FROM messages" + filter.GenerateWhereClause());
await using var cmd = conn.Command("SELECT message_id FROM messages" + filter.GenerateConditions().BuildWhereClause());
await using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ sealed class SqliteMessageRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IMessageRepository
-- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere
DELETE FROM messages
{filter.GenerateWhereClause(invert: mode == FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching)}
{filter.GenerateConditions(invert: mode == FilterRemovalMode.KeepMatching).BuildWhereClause()}

View File

@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteServerRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IServerRepository {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteServerRepository>();
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
public SqliteServerRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
public SqliteServerRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) : base(Log) {
this.pool = pool;

View File

@ -4,15 +4,21 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database.Repositories;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Repositories;
sealed class SqliteUserRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IUserRepository {
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteUserRepository>();
public SqliteUserRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
private readonly SqliteDownloadRepository downloads;
public SqliteUserRepository(SqliteConnectionPool pool, SqliteDownloadRepository downloads) : base(Log) {
this.pool = pool;
this.downloads = downloads;
public async Task Add(IReadOnlyList<User> users) {
@ -26,15 +32,22 @@ sealed class SqliteUserRepository : BaseSqliteRepository, IUserRepository {
("discriminator", SqliteType.Text)
await using var downloadCollector = new SqliteDownloadRepository.NewDownloadCollector(downloads, conn);
foreach (var user in users) {
cmd.Set(":id", user.Id);
cmd.Set(":name", user.Name);
cmd.Set(":avatar_url", user.AvatarUrl);
cmd.Set(":discriminator", user.Discriminator);
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
if (user.AvatarUrl is {} avatarUrl) {
await downloadCollector.Add(DownloadLinkExtractor.FromUserAvatar(user.Id, avatarUrl));
await tx.CommitAsync();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
using DHT.Server.Download;
using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Schema;
sealed class SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo7 : ISchemaUpgrade {
async Task ISchemaUpgrade.Run(ISqliteConnection conn, ISchemaUpgradeCallbacks.IProgressReporter reporter) {
await reporter.MainWork("Applying schema changes...", 0, 6);
await SqliteSchema.CreateDownloadTables(conn);
await reporter.MainWork("Migrating download metadata...", 1, 6);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO download_metadata (normalized_url, download_url, status, size) SELECT normalized_url, download_url, status, size FROM downloads");
await reporter.MainWork("Merging attachment metadata...", 2, 6);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE download_metadata SET type = (SELECT type FROM attachments WHERE download_metadata.normalized_url = attachments.normalized_url)");
await reporter.MainWork("Migrating downloaded files...", 3, 6);
await MigrateDownloadBlobsToNewTable(conn, reporter);
await reporter.MainWork("Applying schema changes...", 4, 6);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("DROP TABLE downloads");
await reporter.MainWork("Discovering downloadable links...", 5, 6);
await DiscoverDownloadableLinks(conn, reporter);
private async Task MigrateDownloadBlobsToNewTable(ISqliteConnection conn, ISchemaUpgradeCallbacks.IProgressReporter reporter) {
await reporter.SubWork("Listing downloaded files...", 0, 0);
var urlsToMigrate = await GetDownloadedFileUrls(conn);
int totalFiles = urlsToMigrate.Count;
int processedFiles = -1;
await reporter.SubWork("Processing downloaded files...", 0, totalFiles);
var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
await using (var insertCmd = conn.Command("INSERT INTO download_blobs (normalized_url, blob) SELECT normalized_url, blob FROM downloads WHERE normalized_url = :normalized_url"))
await using (var deleteCmd = conn.Command("DELETE FROM downloads WHERE normalized_url = :normalized_url")) {
insertCmd.Add(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text);
deleteCmd.Add(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text);
foreach (var url in urlsToMigrate) {
if (++processedFiles % 10 == 0) {
await reporter.SubWork("Processing downloaded files...", processedFiles, totalFiles);
// Not proper way of dealing with transactions, but it avoids a long commit at the end.
// Schema upgrades are already non-atomic anyways, so this doesn't make it worse.
await tx.CommitAsync();
await tx.DisposeAsync();
tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();
insertCmd.Transaction = (SqliteTransaction) tx;
deleteCmd.Transaction = (SqliteTransaction) tx;
insertCmd.Set(":normalized_url", url);
await insertCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
deleteCmd.Set(":normalized_url", url);
await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
await reporter.SubWork("Processing downloaded files...", totalFiles, totalFiles);
await tx.CommitAsync();
await tx.DisposeAsync();
private async Task<List<string>> GetDownloadedFileUrls(ISqliteConnection conn) {
var urls = new List<string>();
await using var selectCmd = conn.Command("SELECT normalized_url FROM downloads WHERE blob IS NOT NULL");
await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
return urls;
private async Task DiscoverDownloadableLinks(ISqliteConnection conn, ISchemaUpgradeCallbacks.IProgressReporter reporter) {
await reporter.SubWork("Processing attachments...", 0, 4);
await using (var cmd = conn.Command("""
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO download_metadata (normalized_url, download_url, status, type, size)
SELECT a.normalized_url, a.download_url, :pending, a.type, MAX(a.size)
FROM attachments a
GROUP BY a.normalized_url
""")) {
cmd.AddAndSet(":pending", SqliteType.Integer, (int) DownloadStatus.Pending);
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
static async Task InsertDownload(SqliteCommand insertCmd, Data.Download? download) {
if (download == null) {
insertCmd.Set(":normalized_url", download.NormalizedUrl);
insertCmd.Set(":download_url", download.DownloadUrl);
insertCmd.Set(":status", (int) download.Status);
insertCmd.Set(":type", download.Type);
insertCmd.Set(":size", download.Size);
await insertCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
await using (var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync()) {
await using var insertCmd = conn.Command("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO download_metadata (normalized_url, download_url, status, type, size) VALUES (:normalized_url, :download_url, :status, :type, :size)");
insertCmd.Add(":normalized_url", SqliteType.Text);
insertCmd.Add(":download_url", SqliteType.Text);
insertCmd.Add(":status", SqliteType.Integer);
insertCmd.Add(":type", SqliteType.Text);
insertCmd.Add(":size", SqliteType.Integer);
await reporter.SubWork("Processing embeds...", 1, 4);
await using (var embedCmd = conn.Command("SELECT json FROM embeds")) {
await using var reader = await embedCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
await InsertDownload(insertCmd, await DownloadLinkExtractor.TryFromEmbedJson(reader.GetStream(0)));
await reporter.SubWork("Processing users...", 2, 4);
await using (var avatarCmd = conn.Command("SELECT id, avatar_url FROM users WHERE avatar_url IS NOT NULL")) {
await using var reader = await avatarCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
await InsertDownload(insertCmd, DownloadLinkExtractor.FromUserAvatar(reader.GetUint64(0), reader.GetString(1)));
await reporter.SubWork("Processing reactions...", 3, 4);
await using (var avatarCmd = conn.Command("SELECT DISTINCT emoji_id, emoji_flags FROM reactions WHERE emoji_id IS NOT NULL")) {
await using var reader = await avatarCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
while (await reader.ReadAsync()) {
await InsertDownload(insertCmd, DownloadLinkExtractor.FromEmoji(reader.GetUint64(0), (EmojiFlags) reader.GetInt16(1)));
await tx.CommitAsync();

View File

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public sealed class SqliteDatabaseFile : IDatabaseFile {
public IServerRepository Servers => servers;
public IChannelRepository Channels => channels;
public IMessageRepository Messages => messages;
public IAttachmentRepository Attachments => attachments;
public IDownloadRepository Downloads => downloads;
private readonly SqliteConnectionPool pool;
@ -52,18 +51,17 @@ public sealed class SqliteDatabaseFile : IDatabaseFile {
private readonly SqliteServerRepository servers;
private readonly SqliteChannelRepository channels;
private readonly SqliteMessageRepository messages;
private readonly SqliteAttachmentRepository attachments;
private readonly SqliteDownloadRepository downloads;
private SqliteDatabaseFile(string path, SqliteConnectionPool pool) {
this.Path = path;
this.pool = pool;
users = new SqliteUserRepository(pool);
downloads = new SqliteDownloadRepository(pool);
users = new SqliteUserRepository(pool, downloads);
servers = new SqliteServerRepository(pool);
channels = new SqliteChannelRepository(pool);
messages = new SqliteMessageRepository(pool, attachments = new SqliteAttachmentRepository(pool));
downloads = new SqliteDownloadRepository(pool);
messages = new SqliteMessageRepository(pool, downloads);
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync() {
@ -71,7 +69,6 @@ public sealed class SqliteDatabaseFile : IDatabaseFile {
await pool.DisposeAsync();

View File

@ -8,77 +8,53 @@ using DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite;
static class SqliteFilters {
private static string WhereAll(bool invert) {
return invert ? "WHERE FALSE" : "";
public static SqliteConditionBuilder GenerateConditions(this MessageFilter? filter, string? tableAlias = null, bool invert = false) {
var builder = new SqliteConditionBuilder(tableAlias, invert);
if (filter != null) {
if (filter.StartDate != null) {
builder.AddCondition("timestamp >= " + new DateTimeOffset(filter.StartDate.Value).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
if (filter.EndDate != null) {
builder.AddCondition("timestamp <= " + new DateTimeOffset(filter.EndDate.Value).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
if (filter.ChannelIds != null) {
builder.AddCondition("channel_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.ChannelIds) + ")");
if (filter.UserIds != null) {
builder.AddCondition("sender_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.UserIds) + ")");
if (filter.MessageIds != null) {
builder.AddCondition("message_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.MessageIds) + ")");
return builder;
public static string GenerateWhereClause(this MessageFilter? filter, string? tableAlias = null, bool invert = false) {
if (filter == null || filter.IsEmpty) {
return WhereAll(invert);
public static SqliteConditionBuilder GenerateConditions(this DownloadItemFilter? filter, string? tableAlias = null, bool invert = false) {
var builder = new SqliteConditionBuilder(tableAlias, invert);
if (filter != null) {
if (filter.IncludeStatuses != null) {
builder.AddCondition("status IN (" + filter.IncludeStatuses.In() + ")");
if (filter.ExcludeStatuses != null) {
builder.AddCondition("status NOT IN (" + filter.ExcludeStatuses.In() + ")");
if (filter.MaxBytes != null) {
builder.AddCondition("size IS NOT NULL");
builder.AddCondition("size <= " + filter.MaxBytes);
var where = new SqliteWhereGenerator(tableAlias, invert);
if (filter.StartDate != null) {
where.AddCondition("timestamp >= " + new DateTimeOffset(filter.StartDate.Value).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
if (filter.EndDate != null) {
where.AddCondition("timestamp <= " + new DateTimeOffset(filter.EndDate.Value).ToUnixTimeMilliseconds());
if (filter.ChannelIds != null) {
where.AddCondition("channel_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.ChannelIds) + ")");
if (filter.UserIds != null) {
where.AddCondition("sender_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.UserIds) + ")");
if (filter.MessageIds != null) {
where.AddCondition("message_id IN (" + string.Join(",", filter.MessageIds) + ")");
return where.Generate();
public static string GenerateWhereClause(this AttachmentFilter? filter, string? tableAlias = null, bool invert = false) {
if (filter == null || filter.IsEmpty) {
return WhereAll(invert);
var where = new SqliteWhereGenerator(tableAlias, invert);
if (filter.MaxBytes != null) {
where.AddCondition("size <= " + filter.MaxBytes);
if (filter.DownloadItemRule == AttachmentFilter.DownloadItemRules.OnlyNotPresent) {
where.AddCondition("normalized_url NOT IN (SELECT normalized_url FROM downloads)");
else if (filter.DownloadItemRule == AttachmentFilter.DownloadItemRules.OnlyPresent) {
where.AddCondition("normalized_url IN (SELECT normalized_url FROM downloads)");
return where.Generate();
public static string GenerateWhereClause(this DownloadItemFilter? filter, string? tableAlias = null, bool invert = false) {
if (filter == null || filter.IsEmpty) {
return WhereAll(invert);
var where = new SqliteWhereGenerator(tableAlias, invert);
if (filter.IncludeStatuses != null) {
where.AddCondition("status IN (" + filter.IncludeStatuses.In() + ")");
if (filter.ExcludeStatuses != null) {
where.AddCondition("status NOT IN (" + filter.ExcludeStatuses.In() + ")");
return where.Generate();
return builder;
private static string In(this ISet<DownloadStatus> statuses) {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ using DHT.Utils.Logging;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite;
sealed class SqliteSchema {
internal const int Version = 6;
internal const int Version = 7;
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType<SqliteSchema>();
@ -116,26 +116,7 @@ sealed class SqliteSchema {
await CreateMessageEditTimestampTable(conn);
await CreateMessageRepliedToTable(conn);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
CREATE TABLE downloads (
download_url TEXT,
blob BLOB
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
CREATE TABLE reactions (
message_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
emoji_id INTEGER,
emoji_name TEXT,
emoji_flags INTEGER NOT NULL,
await CreateDownloadTables(conn);
await conn.ExecuteAsync("CREATE INDEX attachments_message_ix ON attachments(message_id)");
await conn.ExecuteAsync("CREATE INDEX embeds_message_ix ON embeds(message_id)");
@ -162,6 +143,26 @@ sealed class SqliteSchema {
internal static async Task CreateDownloadTables(ISqliteConnection conn) {
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
CREATE TABLE download_metadata (
download_url TEXT NOT NULL,
type TEXT,
await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
CREATE TABLE download_blobs (
FOREIGN KEY (normalized_url) REFERENCES download_metadata (normalized_url) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
private async Task UpgradeSchemas(int dbVersion, ISchemaUpgradeCallbacks.IProgressReporter reporter) {
var upgrades = new Dictionary<int, ISchemaUpgrade> {
{ 1, new SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo2() },
@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ sealed class SqliteSchema {
{ 3, new SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo4() },
{ 4, new SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo5() },
{ 5, new SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo6() },
{ 6, new SqliteSchemaUpgradeTo7() },
var perf = Log.Start("from version " + dbVersion);

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DHT.Server.Database.Sqlite.Utils;
sealed class SqliteWhereGenerator {
sealed class SqliteConditionBuilder {
private readonly string? tableAlias;
private readonly bool invert;
private readonly List<string> conditions = [];
public SqliteWhereGenerator(string? tableAlias, bool invert) {
public SqliteConditionBuilder(string? tableAlias, bool invert) {
this.tableAlias = tableAlias;
this.invert = invert;
@ -16,16 +16,20 @@ sealed class SqliteWhereGenerator {
conditions.Add(tableAlias == null ? condition : tableAlias + '.' + condition);
public string Generate() {
public string Build() {
if (conditions.Count == 0) {
return "";
return invert ? "FALSE" : "TRUE";
if (invert) {
return " WHERE NOT (" + string.Join(" AND ", conditions) + ")";
return "NOT (" + string.Join(" AND ", conditions) + ")";
else {
return " WHERE " + string.Join(" AND ", conditions);
return string.Join(" AND ", conditions);
public string BuildWhereClause() {
return " WHERE " + Build();

View File

@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ sealed class SqliteConnectionPool : IAsyncDisposable {
var pooledConnection = new PooledConnection(this, conn);
await using (var cmd = pooledConnection.Command("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL")) {
await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(disposalToken);
await pooledConnection.ExecuteAsync("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL", disposalToken);
await pooledConnection.ExecuteAsync("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON", disposalToken);
await free.Push(pooledConnection, disposalToken);

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ static class SqliteExtensions {
return conn.InnerConnection.BeginTransactionAsync();
public static SqliteCommand Command(this ISqliteConnection conn, string sql) {
public static SqliteCommand Command(this ISqliteConnection conn, [LanguageInjection("sql")] string sql) {
var cmd = conn.InnerConnection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = sql;
return cmd;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Frozen;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Web;
namespace DHT.Server.Download;
@ -7,9 +9,35 @@ static class DiscordCdn {
private static FrozenSet<string> CdnHosts { get; } = new[] {
private static bool IsCdnUrl(string originalUrl, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Uri? uri) {
return Uri.TryCreate(originalUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) && CdnHosts.Contains(uri.Host);
public static string NormalizeUrl(string originalUrl) {
return Uri.TryCreate(originalUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri) && CdnHosts.Contains(uri.Host) ? uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path) : originalUrl;
return IsCdnUrl(originalUrl, out var uri) ? DoNormalize(uri) : originalUrl;
public static bool NormalizeUrlAndReturnIfCdn(string originalUrl, out string normalizedUrl) {
if (IsCdnUrl(originalUrl, out var uri)) {
normalizedUrl = DoNormalize(uri);
return true;
else {
normalizedUrl = originalUrl;
return false;
private static string DoNormalize(Uri uri) {
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
return new UriBuilder(uri) { Query = query.ToString() }.Uri.ToString();

View File

@ -1,7 +1,22 @@
using System;
using System.Net;
using DHT.Server.Data;
namespace DHT.Server.Download;
public readonly struct DownloadItem {
public string NormalizedUrl { get; init; }
public string DownloadUrl { get; init; }
public ulong Size { get; init; }
public string? Type { get; init; }
public ulong? Size { get; init; }
internal DownloadWithData ToSuccess(byte[] data) {
var size = (ulong) Math.Max(data.LongLength, 0);
return new DownloadWithData(new Data.Download(NormalizedUrl, DownloadUrl, DownloadStatus.Success, Type, size), data);
internal DownloadWithData ToFailure(HttpStatusCode? statusCode = null) {
var status = statusCode.HasValue ? (DownloadStatus) (int) statusCode : DownloadStatus.GenericError;
return new DownloadWithData(new Data.Download(NormalizedUrl, DownloadUrl, status, Type, Size), Data: null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Mime;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Data.Embeds;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
namespace DHT.Server.Download;
static class DownloadLinkExtractor {
private static readonly Log Log = Log.ForType(typeof(DownloadLinkExtractor));
public static Data.Download FromUserAvatar(ulong userId, string avatarPath) {
string url = $"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{userId}/{avatarPath}.webp";
return new Data.Download(url, url, DownloadStatus.Pending, MediaTypeNames.Image.Webp, size: null);
public static Data.Download FromEmoji(ulong emojiId, EmojiFlags flags) {
var isAnimated = flags.HasFlag(EmojiFlags.Animated);
string ext = isAnimated ? "gif" : "webp";
string type = isAnimated ? MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif : MediaTypeNames.Image.Webp;
string url = $"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/{emojiId}.{ext}";
return new Data.Download(url, url, DownloadStatus.Pending, type, size: null);
public static Data.Download FromAttachment(Attachment attachment) {
return new Data.Download(attachment.NormalizedUrl, attachment.DownloadUrl, DownloadStatus.Pending, attachment.Type, attachment.Size);
public static async Task<Data.Download?> TryFromEmbedJson(Stream jsonStream) {
try {
return FromEmbed(await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(jsonStream, DiscordEmbedJsonContext.Default.DiscordEmbedJson));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Could not parse embed json: " + e);
return null;
public static Data.Download? TryFromEmbedJson(string json) {
try {
return FromEmbed(JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, DiscordEmbedJsonContext.Default.DiscordEmbedJson));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.Error("Could not parse embed json: " + e);
return null;
private static Data.Download? FromEmbed(DiscordEmbedJson? embed) {
if (embed is { Type: "image", Image.Url: {} imageUrl }) {
return FromEmbedImage(imageUrl);
else if (embed is { Type: "video", Video.Url: {} videoUrl }) {
return FromEmbedVideo(videoUrl);
else {
return null;
private static Data.Download? FromEmbedImage(string url) {
if (DiscordCdn.NormalizeUrlAndReturnIfCdn(url, out var normalizedUrl)) {
return new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, url, DownloadStatus.Pending, GuessImageType(normalizedUrl), size: null);
else {
Log.Debug("Skipping non-CDN image url: " + url);
return null;
private static Data.Download? FromEmbedVideo(string url) {
if (DiscordCdn.NormalizeUrlAndReturnIfCdn(url, out var normalizedUrl)) {
return new Data.Download(normalizedUrl, url, DownloadStatus.Pending, GuessVideoType(normalizedUrl), size: null);
else {
Log.Debug("Skipping non-CDN video url: " + url);
return null;
private static string? GuessImageType(string url) {
if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri)) {
return null;
ReadOnlySpan<char> extension = Path.GetExtension(uri.AbsolutePath).ToLowerInvariant();
// Remove Twitter quality suffix.
int colonIndex = extension.IndexOf(':');
if (colonIndex != -1) {
extension = extension[..colonIndex];
return extension switch {
".jpg" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg,
".jpeg" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg,
".png" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Png,
".gif" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Gif,
".webp" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Webp,
".bmp" => MediaTypeNames.Image.Bmp,
_ => null
private static string? GuessVideoType(string url) {
if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out var uri)) {
return null;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(uri.AbsolutePath).ToLowerInvariant();
return extension switch {
".mp4" => "video/mp4",
".mpeg" => "video/mpeg",
".webm" => "video/webm",
".mov" => "video/quicktime",
_ => null

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database;
namespace DHT.Server.Download;
@ -16,10 +17,10 @@ public sealed class Downloader {
this.db = db;
public async Task<IObservable<DownloadItem>> Start() {
public async Task<IObservable<DownloadItem>> Start(DownloadItemFilter filter) {
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
try {
current ??= new DownloaderTask(db);
current ??= new DownloaderTask(db, filter);
return current.FinishedItems;
} finally {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data.Filters;
using DHT.Server.Database;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
using DHT.Utils.Tasks;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ sealed class DownloaderTask : IAsyncDisposable {
private readonly CancellationToken cancellationToken;
private readonly IDatabaseFile db;
private readonly DownloadItemFilter filter;
private readonly ISubject<DownloadItem> finishedItemPublisher = Subject.Synchronize(new Subject<DownloadItem>());
private readonly Task queueWriterTask;
@ -36,8 +38,9 @@ sealed class DownloaderTask : IAsyncDisposable {
public IObservable<DownloadItem> FinishedItems => finishedItemPublisher;
internal DownloaderTask(IDatabaseFile db) {
internal DownloaderTask(IDatabaseFile db, DownloadItemFilter filter) {
this.db = db;
this.filter = filter;
this.cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
this.queueWriterTask = Task.Run(RunQueueWriterTask);
this.downloadTasks = Enumerable.Range(1, DownloadTasks).Select(taskIndex => Task.Run(() => RunDownloadTask(taskIndex))).ToArray();
@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ sealed class DownloaderTask : IAsyncDisposable {
private async Task RunQueueWriterTask() {
while (await downloadQueue.Writer.WaitToWriteAsync(cancellationToken)) {
var newItems = await db.Downloads.PullEnqueuedDownloadItems(QueueSize, cancellationToken).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
var newItems = await db.Downloads.PullPendingDownloadItems(QueueSize, filter, cancellationToken).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
if (newItems.Count == 0) {
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), cancellationToken);
@ -70,14 +73,14 @@ sealed class DownloaderTask : IAsyncDisposable {
try {
var downloadedBytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(item.DownloadUrl, cancellationToken);
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(Data.Download.NewSuccess(item, downloadedBytes));
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(item.ToSuccess(downloadedBytes));
} catch (OperationCanceledException) {
// Ignore.
} catch (HttpRequestException e) {
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(Data.Download.NewFailure(item, e.StatusCode, item.Size));
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(item.ToFailure(e.StatusCode));
} catch (Exception e) {
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(Data.Download.NewFailure(item, null, item.Size));
await db.Downloads.AddDownload(item.ToFailure());
} finally {
try {

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database;
using DHT.Utils.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace DHT.Server.Endpoints;
sealed class GetAttachmentEndpoint : BaseEndpoint {
public GetAttachmentEndpoint(IDatabaseFile db) : base(db) {}
protected override async Task<IHttpOutput> Respond(HttpContext ctx) {
string attachmentUrl = WebUtility.UrlDecode((string) ctx.Request.RouteValues["url"]!);
DownloadedAttachment? maybeDownloadedAttachment = await Db.Downloads.GetDownloadedAttachment(attachmentUrl);
if (maybeDownloadedAttachment is {} downloadedAttachment) {
return new HttpOutput.File(downloadedAttachment.Type, downloadedAttachment.Data);
else {
return new HttpOutput.Redirect(attachmentUrl, permanent: false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Server.Data;
using DHT.Server.Database;
using DHT.Utils.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace DHT.Server.Endpoints;
sealed class GetDownloadedFileEndpoint : BaseEndpoint {
public GetDownloadedFileEndpoint(IDatabaseFile db) : base(db) {}
protected override async Task<IHttpOutput> Respond(HttpContext ctx) {
string normalizedUrl = WebUtility.UrlDecode((string) ctx.Request.RouteValues["url"]!);
DownloadWithData? maybeDownloadWithData = await Db.Downloads.GetSuccessfulDownloadWithData(normalizedUrl);
if (maybeDownloadWithData is { Download: {} download, Data: {} data }) {
return new HttpOutput.File(download.Type, data);
else {
return new HttpOutput.Redirect(normalizedUrl, permanent: false);

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ sealed class Startup {
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => {
endpoints.MapGet("/get-tracking-script", new GetTrackingScriptEndpoint(db, parameters).Handle);
endpoints.MapGet("/get-attachment/{url}", new GetAttachmentEndpoint(db).Handle);
endpoints.MapGet("/get-downloaded-file/{url}", new GetDownloadedFileEndpoint(db).Handle);
endpoints.MapPost("/track-channel", new TrackChannelEndpoint(db).Handle);
endpoints.MapPost("/track-users", new TrackUsersEndpoint(db).Handle);
endpoints.MapPost("/track-messages", new TrackMessagesEndpoint(db).Handle);

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using System;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
namespace DHT.Utils.Tasks;
@ -9,9 +10,9 @@ public sealed class ObservableThrottledTask<T> : IObservable<T>, IDisposable {
private readonly ReplaySubject<T> subject;
private readonly ThrottledTask<T> task;
public ObservableThrottledTask(TaskScheduler resultScheduler) {
public ObservableThrottledTask(Log log, TaskScheduler resultScheduler) {
this.subject = new ReplaySubject<T>(bufferSize: 1);
this.task = new ThrottledTask<T>(subject.OnNext, resultScheduler);
this.task = new ThrottledTask<T>(log, subject.OnNext, resultScheduler);
public void Post(Func<CancellationToken, Task<T>> resultComputer) {

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DHT.Utils.Logging;
namespace DHT.Utils.Tasks;
@ -14,8 +15,11 @@ public abstract class ThrottledTaskBase<T> : IDisposable {
private readonly CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new ();
private readonly Log log;
internal ThrottledTaskBase() {}
internal ThrottledTaskBase(Log log) {
this.log = log;
protected async Task ReaderTask() {
var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token;
@ -26,8 +30,8 @@ public abstract class ThrottledTaskBase<T> : IDisposable {
await Run(item, cancellationToken);
} catch (OperationCanceledException) {
} catch (Exception) {
// Ignore.
} catch (Exception e) {
log.Error("Caught exception in task: " + e);
} catch (OperationCanceledException) {
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ public sealed class ThrottledTask : ThrottledTaskBase<Task> {
private readonly Action resultProcessor;
private readonly TaskScheduler resultScheduler;
public ThrottledTask(Action resultProcessor, TaskScheduler resultScheduler) {
public ThrottledTask(Log log, Action resultProcessor, TaskScheduler resultScheduler) : base(log) {
this.resultProcessor = resultProcessor;
this.resultScheduler = resultScheduler;
@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ public sealed class ThrottledTask<T> : ThrottledTaskBase<Task<T>> {
private readonly Action<T> resultProcessor;
private readonly TaskScheduler resultScheduler;
public ThrottledTask(Action<T> resultProcessor, TaskScheduler resultScheduler) {
public ThrottledTask(Log log, Action<T> resultProcessor, TaskScheduler resultScheduler) : base(log) {
this.resultProcessor = resultProcessor;
this.resultScheduler = resultScheduler;

Binary file not shown.