mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Brotli-Builder.git synced 2024-10-17 03:42:47 +02:00

284 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BrotliLib.Brotli;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components.Data;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components.Header;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Encode;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Encode.Build;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Parameters;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Utils;
using BrotliLib.Collections;
namespace BrotliImpl.Transformers{
public class TransformOfficialBlockSplitterLQ : BrotliTransformerCompressed{
protected override (MetaBlock, BrotliGlobalState) Transform(MetaBlock.Compressed original, BrotliGlobalState state, BrotliCompressionParameters parameters){
var builder = new CompressedMetaBlockBuilder(original, state);
var literals = new List<Literal>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.Literal));
var lengthCodes = new List<InsertCopyLengthCode>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.InsertCopy));
var distanceCodes = new List<DistanceCode>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.Distance));
var distanceFreq = new FrequencyList<DistanceCode>();
var validDistanceCodes = new List<DistanceCode>(5);
foreach(var command in original.Data.InsertCopyCommands){
if (command.CopyDistance == DistanceInfo.EndsAfterLiterals){
if (!command.CopyDistance.FindCodes(original.Header.DistanceParameters, state, validDistanceCodes)){
DistanceCode distanceCode;
if (command.CopyDistance == DistanceInfo.ExplicitCodeZero){
distanceCode = DistanceCode.Zero;
distanceCode = validDistanceCodes.Count > 1 ? parameters.DistanceCodePicker(validDistanceCodes, distanceFreq) : validDistanceCodes[0];
var origLitCtxMap = builder.LiteralCtxMap;
if (origLitCtxMap.TreeCount == 1){
Split(builder, Category.Literal, literals, 512, 400.0);
builder.LiteralCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Literals(builder).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build();
var literalContextMap = Enumerable.Range(0, origLitCtxMap.ContextsPerBlockType).Select(index => origLitCtxMap.DetermineTreeID(0, index)).ToArray();
var literalContextMode = builder.LiteralContextModes[0];
var literalBuffer = RingBufferFast<byte>.From(0, 0);
Split(builder, Category.Literal, literals, 512, 400.0, new BlockSplitter<Literal>.ContextInfo(literalContextMap, literal => {
return literalContextMode.DetermineContextID(literalBuffer.Front, literalBuffer.Back);
builder.LiteralCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Literals(builder).Set(0, literalContextMap).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build();
Split(builder, Category.InsertCopy, lengthCodes, 1024, 500.0);
Split(builder, Category.Distance, distanceCodes, 512, 100.0);
builder.DistanceCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Distances(builder).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build();
return builder.Build(parameters);
private void Split<T>(CompressedMetaBlockBuilder builder, Category category, List<T> sequence, int minBlockSize, double splitThreshold, in BlockSplitter<T>.ContextInfo? context = null) where T : IComparable<T>{
new BlockSplitter<T>(minBlockSize, splitThreshold).ProcessSequence(builder.BlockTypes[category], sequence, context);
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/metablock_inc.h (BlockSplitter) and https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/metablock.c (ContextBlockSplitter)
/// </summary>
private sealed class BlockSplitter<T> where T : IComparable<T>{
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/bit_cost.h (BitsEntropy, ShannonEntropy)
/// </summary>
private static double BitsEntropy(FrequencyList<T> histogram){
int total = 0;
double calc = 0.0;
foreach(var symbol in histogram){
var freq = histogram[symbol];
total += freq;
calc -= freq * Math.Log(freq, 2.0);
if (total > 0){
calc += total * Math.Log(total, 2.0);
return Math.Max(calc, total);
private static void Swap<U>(U[] array, int index1, int index2){
U tmp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = tmp;
public readonly struct ContextInfo{
public static ContextInfo Default { get; } = new ContextInfo(new byte[]{ 0 }, _ => 0);
public byte[] Map { get; }
public Func<T, int> GetIndex { get; }
public ContextInfo(byte[] map, Func<T, int> getIndex){
this.Map = map;
this.GetIndex = getIndex;
private readonly int minBlockSize;
private readonly double splitThreshold;
public BlockSplitter(int minBlockSize, double splitThreshold){
this.minBlockSize = minBlockSize;
this.splitThreshold = splitThreshold;
public void ProcessSequence(BlockSwitchBuilder builder, List<T> sequence, ContextInfo? contextParam = null){
ContextInfo ctx = contextParam ?? ContextInfo.Default;
int numContexts = 1 + ctx.Map.Max();
int maxBlockTypes = 256 / numContexts;
int maxNumBlocks = sequence.Count / minBlockSize + 1;
var histograms = FrequencyList<T>.Array(numContexts * Math.Min(maxNumBlocks, maxBlockTypes + 1));
int numBlocks = 0;
int blockSize = 0;
int targetBlockSize = minBlockSize;
int currHistogramIx = 0;
var lastHistogramIx = new int[2];
var lastEntropy = new double[2 * numContexts];
int mergeLastCount = 0;
void FinishBlock(bool isFinal){
blockSize = Math.Max(blockSize, minBlockSize);
if (numBlocks == 0){
for(int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++){
lastEntropy[context] = BitsEntropy(histograms[context]);
lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context];
currHistogramIx += numContexts;
blockSize = 0;
else if (blockSize > 0){
var entropy = new double[numContexts];
var combinedHisto = FrequencyList<T>.Array(2 * numContexts);
var combinedEntropy = new double[2 * numContexts];
var diff = new double[2];
for(int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++){
int currHistoIx = currHistogramIx + context;
entropy[context] = BitsEntropy(histograms[currHistoIx]);
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
int ix = i * numContexts + context;
int lastHistogramIxValue = lastHistogramIx[i] + context;
var newHisto = new FrequencyList<T>{
combinedHisto[ix] = newHisto;
combinedEntropy[ix] = BitsEntropy(combinedHisto[ix]);
diff[i] += combinedEntropy[ix] - entropy[context] - lastEntropy[ix];
if (builder.TypeCount < maxBlockTypes && diff[0] > splitThreshold && diff[1] > splitThreshold){
byte nextBlockType = (byte)(builder.TypeCount);
builder.AddBlock(nextBlockType, blockSize);
lastHistogramIx[1] = lastHistogramIx[0];
lastHistogramIx[0] = nextBlockType * numContexts;
for(int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++){
lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context];
lastEntropy[context] = entropy[context];
currHistogramIx += numContexts;
if (currHistogramIx < histograms.Length){
blockSize = 0;
mergeLastCount = 0;
targetBlockSize = minBlockSize;
else if (diff[1] < diff[0] - 20.0){
builder.AddBlock(builder.Commands.Count >= 2 ? builder.Commands[^2].Type : (byte)0, blockSize);
Swap(lastHistogramIx, 0, 1);
for(int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++){
histograms[lastHistogramIx[0] + context] = combinedHisto[context + numContexts];
lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context];
lastEntropy[context] = combinedEntropy[context + numContexts];
histograms[currHistogramIx + context].Clear();
blockSize = 0;
mergeLastCount = 0;
targetBlockSize = minBlockSize;
builder.AddBlock(builder.LastCommand?.Type ?? 0, blockSize);
for(int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++){
histograms[lastHistogramIx[0] + context] = combinedHisto[context];
lastEntropy[context] = combinedEntropy[context];
if (builder.TypeCount == 1){
lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context];
histograms[currHistogramIx + context].Clear();
blockSize = 0;
if (++mergeLastCount > 1){
targetBlockSize += minBlockSize;
if (isFinal && builder.TotalLength < sequence.Count){
builder.AddFinalBlock((byte)(builder.TypeCount - 1));
foreach(T symbol in sequence){
histograms[currHistogramIx + ctx.Map[ctx.GetIndex(symbol)]].Add(symbol);
if (++blockSize == targetBlockSize){
FinishBlock(isFinal: false);
FinishBlock(isFinal: true);