mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Brotli-Builder.git synced 2024-10-17 03:42:47 +02:00

330 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using BrotliImpl.Utils;
using BrotliLib.Brotli;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components.Data;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Components.Header;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Encode;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Encode.Build;
using BrotliLib.Brotli.Parameters;
using BrotliLib.Collections;
namespace BrotliImpl.Combined{
/// <summary>
/// Partial reimplementation of official Brotli compression, quality level 0.
/// The official implementation updates histograms of length and distance trees for each upcoming meta-block,
/// this implementation uses the initial predefined trees for every meta-block.
/// Due to meta-block merging heuristics depending on Huffman trees, which are generated differently to the official implementation,
/// only most small files will match the official compressor. However, the insert&amp;copy command generation algorithm is identical.
/// </summary>
public partial class CompressQuality0 : BrotliEncodePipeline{
private static readonly WindowSize SupportedWindowSize = new WindowSize(18);
protected override WindowSize DetermineWindowSize(byte[] bytes){
return SupportedWindowSize;
protected override BrotliCompressionParameters SetupCompressionParameters(byte[] bytes){
return new BrotliCompressionParameters.Builder{
GenerateLengthCodeTree = _ => Huffman.PredefinedLengthCodes,
GenerateDistanceCodeTree = _ => Huffman.PredefinedDistanceCodes
protected override IBrotliEncoder CreateEncoder(byte[] bytes, BrotliFileParameters fileParameters){
return new Encoder(bytes);
protected override void FinalizeStructure(BrotliFileStructure structure){
structure.MetaBlocks.Add(new MetaBlock.LastEmpty());
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/compress_fragment.c (BrotliCompressFragmentFastImpl).
/// </summary>
private class Encoder : IBrotliEncoder{
private const int FirstBlockSize = 3 << 15;
private const int MergeBlockSize = 1 << 16;
private const int MinMatchLen = 5;
private const int MinRatio = 980;
private readonly byte[] input;
private int inputSize;
private readonly HashTable table;
private HuffmanTree<Literal>? literalTree;
private int literalRatio;
private int blockSize;
private int totalBlockSize;
private readonly int baseIp;
private int ip;
private int ipEnd;
private int metaBlockStart;
private int nextEmit;
private int lastDistance;
private int ipLimit;
private uint nextHash;
private int nextIp;
private int skip;
private int candidate;
private int outputTo;
private int nextIpStart;
private enum NextStep{
public Encoder(byte[] input){
this.input = input;
this.inputSize = input.Length;
this.table = new HashTable(input);
this.blockSize = Math.Min(inputSize, FirstBlockSize);
this.totalBlockSize = blockSize;
this.metaBlockStart = 0;
this.baseIp = 0;
this.nextEmit = 0;
public (MetaBlock, BrotliEncodeInfo) Encode(BrotliEncodeInfo info){
(literalTree, literalRatio) = Huffman.EstimateLiteralRatio(new ArraySegment<byte>(input, ip, blockSize));
var builder = info.NewBuilder();
var nextStep = NextStep.EmitCommands;
case NextStep.EmitCommands:
nextStep = EmitCommands();
case NextStep.EmitCommandsNextHash:
nextStep = EmitCommandsNextHash();
case NextStep.Trawl:
nextStep = Trawl(builder);
case NextStep.EmitRemainder:
nextStep = EmitRemainder(builder);
case NextStep.OutputCompressed:
return builder.Build(info, new BrotliCompressionParameters.Builder(info.CompressionParameters){
GenerateLiteralTree = _ => literalTree
case NextStep.OutputUncompressed:
var metaBlock = new MetaBlock.Uncompressed(input, metaBlockStart, outputTo - metaBlockStart);
inputSize -= metaBlock.DataLength.UncompressedBytes;
nextIpStart = outputTo;
nextEmit = nextIpStart;
return (metaBlock, info.WithOutputtedMetaBock(metaBlock));
private NextStep EmitCommands(){
ip = nextIpStart;
ipEnd = ip + blockSize;
lastDistance = -1;
if (blockSize >= WindowSize.MarginBytes){
int lenLimit = Math.Min(blockSize - MinMatchLen, inputSize - WindowSize.MarginBytes);
ipLimit = nextIpStart + lenLimit;
nextHash = table.Hash(++ip);
return NextStep.EmitCommandsNextHash;
return NextStep.EmitRemainder;
private NextStep EmitCommandsNextHash(){
nextIp = ip;
skip = 32;
return NextStep.Trawl;
private NextStep Trawl(CompressedMetaBlockBuilder builder){
uint hash = nextHash;
int bytesBetweenHashLookups = (skip++) >> 5;
ip = nextIp;
nextIp = ip + bytesBetweenHashLookups;
if (nextIp > ipLimit){
return NextStep.EmitRemainder;
nextHash = table.Hash(nextIp);
candidate = ip - lastDistance;
if (Match.Check(input, ip, candidate, MinMatchLen) && candidate < ip){
table[hash] = ip - baseIp;
candidate = baseIp + table[hash];
table[hash] = ip - baseIp;
}while(!Match.Check(input, ip, candidate, MinMatchLen));
if (ip - candidate > SupportedWindowSize.Bytes){
return NextStep.Trawl;
int @base = ip;
int matched = MinMatchLen + Match.DetermineLength(input, candidate + MinMatchLen, ip + MinMatchLen, ipEnd - ip - MinMatchLen);
int distance = @base - candidate;
int insert = @base - nextEmit;
ip += matched;
if (insert >= 6210 && ShouldUseUncompressedMode(insert)){
outputTo = @base;
return NextStep.OutputUncompressed;
if (distance == lastDistance){
builder.AddInsertCopy(Literal.FromBytes(input, nextEmit, insert), 2, DistanceInfo.ExplicitCodeZero);
builder.AddInsertCopy(Literal.FromBytes(input, nextEmit, insert), 2, distance);
lastDistance = distance;
builder.AddCopy(matched - 2, distance);
nextEmit = ip;
if (ip >= ipLimit){
return NextStep.EmitRemainder;
candidate = table.UpdateAndGetCandidate(ip, baseIp);
while(Match.Check(input, ip, candidate, MinMatchLen)){
int @base = ip;
int matched = MinMatchLen + Match.DetermineLength(input, candidate + MinMatchLen, ip + MinMatchLen, ipEnd - ip - MinMatchLen);
if (ip - candidate > SupportedWindowSize.Bytes){
ip += matched;
lastDistance = @base - candidate;
builder.AddCopy(matched, lastDistance);
nextEmit = ip;
if (ip >= ipLimit){
return NextStep.EmitRemainder;
candidate = table.UpdateAndGetCandidate(ip, baseIp);
nextHash = table.Hash(++ip);
return NextStep.EmitCommandsNextHash;
private NextStep EmitRemainder(CompressedMetaBlockBuilder builder){
nextIpStart += blockSize;
inputSize -= blockSize;
blockSize = Math.Min(inputSize, MergeBlockSize);
if (inputSize > 0 && totalBlockSize + blockSize <= (1 << 20) && ShouldMergeBlock(nextIpStart, blockSize)){
totalBlockSize += blockSize;
return NextStep.EmitCommands;
if (nextEmit < ipEnd){
int insert = ipEnd - nextEmit;
if (insert >= 6210 && ShouldUseUncompressedMode(insert)){
outputTo = ipEnd;
return NextStep.OutputUncompressed;
builder.AddInsert(Literal.FromBytes(input, nextEmit, insert));
nextEmit = ipEnd;
return NextStep.OutputCompressed;
private void OnNextBlock(){
if (inputSize > 0){
metaBlockStart = nextIpStart;
blockSize = Math.Min(inputSize, FirstBlockSize);
totalBlockSize = blockSize;
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/compress_fragment.c (ShouldUseUncompressedMode).
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldUseUncompressedMode(int insert){
int compressed = nextEmit - metaBlockStart;
if (compressed * 50 > insert){
return false;
return literalRatio > MinRatio;
/// <summary>
/// Adapted from https://github.com/google/brotli/blob/master/c/enc/compress_fragment.c (ShouldMergeBlock).
/// </summary>
private bool ShouldMergeBlock(int ip, int blockSize){
const int sampleRate = 43;
FrequencyList<byte> bytes = new FrequencyList<byte>();
for(int offset = 0; offset < blockSize; offset += sampleRate){
bytes.Add(input[ip + offset]);
int total = (blockSize + sampleRate - 1) / sampleRate;
double r = ((total == 0 ? 0 : Math.Log(total, 2.0) + 0.5) * total) + 200;
foreach(var symbol in bytes){
var samples = bytes[symbol];
var literal = new Literal(symbol);
r -= samples * (literalTree!.FindPath(literal).Length + Math.Log(samples, 2.0));
return r >= 0.0;