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namespace UnitTests.IO.TestBitStream
open Xunit
open System
open System.Linq;
open BrotliLib.Serialization
module Representations =
[<InlineData((* 0*)"")>]
[<InlineData((* 1*)"0")>]
[<InlineData((* 2*)"00")>]
[<InlineData((* 3*)"000")>]
[<InlineData((* 4*)"0000")>]
[<InlineData((* 8*)"11000000")>]
[<InlineData((* 16*)"1110000011110000")>]
[<InlineData((* 32*)"11110000111100001111000011110000")>]
[<InlineData((* 64*)"1111100011110000111100001111000011110000111100001111000011110000")>]
let ``constructing from string yields same length and string representation`` (bits: string) =
let stream = BitStream(bits)
Assert.Equal(bits.Length, stream.Length)
Assert.Equal(bits, stream.ToString())
[<InlineData("1100 ")>]
let ``constructing from string with invalid characters throws exception`` (bits: string) =
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(fun () -> BitStream(bits) |> ignore)
let ``constructing from empty byte array yields same length and byte array representation`` () =
let stream = BitStream()
Assert.Equal(0, stream.Length)
Assert.Equal<byte array>([||], stream.ToByteArray())
[<InlineData(0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy)>]
[<InlineData(0b11111111uy, 0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy)>]
[<InlineData(0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy, 0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy)>]
[<InlineData(0b11111111uy, 0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy, 0b00000000uy, 0b11111111uy)>]
[<InlineData(0b10101010uy, 0b01010101uy, 0b10101010uy, 0b01010101uy, 0b10101010uy, 0b01010101uy, 0b10101010uy, 0b01010101uy, 0b10101010uy)>]
let ``constructing from byte array yields same length and byte array representation`` ([<ParamArray>] bytes: byte array) =
let stream = BitStream(bytes)
Assert.Equal(bytes.Length * 8, stream.Length)
Assert.Equal<byte array>(bytes, stream.ToByteArray())
[<InlineData("0", 0b00000000uy)>]
[<InlineData("1", 0b00000001uy)>]
[<InlineData("11", 0b00000011uy)>]
[<InlineData("1111111", 0b01111111uy)>]
[<InlineData("11111111", 0b11111111uy)>]
[<InlineData("01010101", 0b10101010uy)>]
[<InlineData("111111110", 0b11111111uy, 0b00000000uy)>]
[<InlineData("111111111", 0b11111111uy, 0b00000001uy)>]
[<InlineData("11110000111100001111001", 0b00001111uy, 0b00001111uy, 0b01001111uy)>]
let ``constructing from string yields correct byte array representation with zero padding`` (bits: string, [<ParamArray>] bytes: byte array) =
Assert.Equal<byte array>(bytes, BitStream(bits).ToByteArray())
let ``constructing various lengths yields correct enumeration size for all lengths`` () =
let stream = BitStream()
for i in 0..256 do
stream.Add(i % 2 = 0)
Assert.Equal(stream.Length, stream.Count())
module Equality =
let equal : obj array seq = seq {
yield [| "" |]
yield [| "0" |]
yield [| "1" |]
yield [| "10101010" |]
yield [| "000000000" |]
let notequal : obj array seq = seq {
yield [| ""; "0" |]
yield [| "0"; "1" |]
yield [| "00"; "000" |]
yield [| "10101010"; "01010101" |]
yield [| "00000000"; "0000000000" |]
yield [| "000000001"; "000000000" |]
let ``two streams are equal if they have same contents`` (bits: string) =
let ``two streams are not equal if they have different contents`` (first: string, second: string) =
let ``two equal streams have the same hash code`` (bits: string) =
Assert.Equal(BitStream(bits).GetHashCode(), BitStream(bits).GetHashCode())
let ``two different streams should generally have different hash codes`` (first: string, second: string) =
Assert.NotEqual(BitStream(first).GetHashCode(), BitStream(second).GetHashCode())
module Mutability =
[<InlineData("1", true)>]
[<InlineData("0", false)>]
[<InlineData("10", true, false)>]
[<InlineData("11110000", true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false)>]
[<InlineData("11110000111100001", true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true)>]
let ``appending few bits to empty stream yields correct text representation`` (expected: string, [<ParamArray>] values: bool array) =
let stream = BitStream()
Array.iter (stream.Add) <| values
Assert.Equal(expected, stream.ToString())
let ``appending many bits to empty stream yields correct text representation`` () =
let stream = BitStream()
for _ in 0..256 do
Assert.Equal(String.replicate 257 "1", stream.ToString())
[<InlineData("", "")>]
[<InlineData("0", "")>]
[<InlineData("0", "1")>]
[<InlineData("11110000", "1010")>]
let ``appending stream to another stream in either direction yields correct text representation`` (first: string, second: string) =
let firstsecond = BitStream(first)
let secondfirst = BitStream(second)
Assert.Equal(first + second, firstsecond.ToString())
Assert.Equal(second + first, secondfirst.ToString())
module Cloning =
let ``cloned stream is equal to original stream but not the same object`` (bits: string) =
let original = BitStream(bits)
let clone = original.Clone()
Assert.Equal<BitStream>(original, clone)
Assert.NotSame(original, clone)
let ``appending to cloned stream keeps the original stream intact`` () =
let original = BitStream("11100")
let clone = original.Clone()
Assert.Equal("11100", original.ToString())
Assert.Equal("111001", clone.ToString())