mirror of https://github.com/chylex/Backup-Essentials.git synced 2024-10-17 08:42:44 +02:00

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# English uses capitalized words for buttons, labels and titles, most other languages don't.
# See multiple examples of user interface in your language to judge whether to use "Title Style" or "Sentence style" for these elements.
General.App.AlreadyRunning = The application is already running, but is not responding. Do you want to force close it?
General.App.AlreadyRunning.Title = Application Running
General.App.CannotClose = Could not close the application: $0
General.App.CannotClose.Title = Error Closing Application
General.App.DestinationMissing = Backup could not begin, destination is empty. Program arguments: $0
General.Storage.ErrorSaving = DataStorage was not initialized for saving!
General.Storage.ErrorScheduledSaving = DataStorage was not initialized for scheduled saving!
General.UI.MenuButton.Home = Home
General.UI.MenuButton.Backup = Backup
General.UI.MenuButton.History = History
General.UI.MenuButton.Settings = Settings
General.UI.MenuButton.About = About
Backup.Hint = Hint: Click and drag a Location up or down to move it, double-click to edit.
Backup.Button.Add = Add Location
Backup.Button.Edit = Edit
Backup.Button.Remove = Remove
Backup.Deletion.Confirmation.Title = Confirm Deletion
Backup.Deletion.Confirmation.1 = Are you sure you want to delete the Location? This action cannot be taken back.
Backup.Deletion.Confirmation.* = Are you sure you want to delete $0 Locations? This action cannot be taken back.
Backup.Location.UnknownName = (unknown)
Backup.Location.UnknownDirectory = (unknown)
Backup.Location.Caution.Empty = Error: No directory assigned to the Location.
Backup.Location.Caution.Invalid = Error: Directory is not a valid Windows path.
Backup.Location.Caution.NotAbsolute = Error: Directory is not an absolute path.
Backup.Location.Caution.NotExists = Caution: Directory does not exist, it will be created when a first backup is made.
BackupEdit.Hint = Hint: Drag and Drop a folder on the window to select it.
BackupEdit.Label.Name = Name:
BackupEdit.Label.Directory = Directory:
BackupEdit.Label.AdvancedSettings = Show advanced settings
BackupEdit.Button.DirectorySelect = Select directory...
BackupEdit.Button.DirectorySelect.DialogTitle = Select the destination folder for this backup location.
BackupEdit.Button.Save = Save
BackupEdit.Button.Cancel = Cancel
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.Title = Caution!
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.NameEmpty = Location name cannot be empty.
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.DirectoryEmpty = No directory selected, it will not be registered until the issue is fixed. Click Save again to confirm.
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.DirectoryInvalid = Selected directory is not a valid Windows path, it will not be registered until the issue is fixed. Click Save again to confirm.
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.DirectoryNotAbsolute = Selected directory is not an absolute path, it will not be registered until the issue is fixed. Click Save again to confirm.
BackupEdit.SaveWarning.DirectoryNotExists = Selected directory does not exist, it will be created when a first backup is made. Click Save again to confirm.
BackupDrop.Button.Run = Backup
BackupDrop.Button.Cancel = Cancel
BackupDrop.DriveBackupWarning = When backing up a drive, the contents of $0 will match the contents of the drive, which means that any unwanted files and folders will be deleted. Do you want to proceed?
BackupDrop.DriveBackupWarning.Title = Drive Backup Warning
History.Hint = Hint: Double-click an entry to show the report.
History.Button.Show = Show Report
History.Button.Remove = Remove
History.Deletion.Confirmation.Title = Confirm Deletion
History.Deletion.Confirmation.1 = Are you sure you want to delete the history entry? This action cannot be taken back.
History.Deletion.Confirmation.* = Are you sure you want to delete $0 history entries? This action cannot be taken back.
History.Deletion.Failure.Title = Error Deleting History Entry
History.Deletion.Failure.Line1 = Failed deleting the entry file: $0
History.Deletion.Failure.Line2 = Do you want to remove it from the History menu regardless?
History.Entry.Added = Added:
History.Entry.Updated = Updated:
History.Entry.Deleted = Deleted:
Settings.Hint = Hint: Move your cursor over an option label to see a detailed description
Settings.Button.Save = Save Settings
Settings.Button.Cancel = Cancel
Settings.Button.Reset = Reset to Default
Settings.Message.ChangedWarning.Title = Changed Settings
Settings.Message.ChangedWarning = You have changed the settings, do you want to save them?
Settings.Message.ResetWarning.Title = Reset Settings
Settings.Message.ResetWarning = Are you sure? This action cannot be taken back!
Settings.Message.HistoryWarning.Title = Caution!
Settings.Message.HistoryWarning.PartOne.* = There are currently $0 history entries,
Settings.Message.HistoryWarning.PartOne.1 = There is currently one history entry,
Settings.Message.HistoryWarning.PartTwo.* = saving the settings will delete last $0 entries.
Settings.Message.HistoryWarning.PartTwo.1 = saving the settings will delete the last entry.
Settings.Group.UserInterface = User Interface
Settings.Group.Advanced = Advanced Settings
Settings.Group.Backup = Backup
Settings.Label.Language = Language:
Settings.Label.Language.Tooltip = Language of the user interface and backup reports.
Settings.Label.DateFormat = Date Format:
Settings.Label.DateFormat.Tooltip = The format of displayed dates. Warning: the option affects the History screen, but not existing reports.
Settings.Label.Theme = Theme:
Settings.Label.Theme.Tooltip = Color style of the user interface.
Settings.Label.WindowClose = Close the backup window:
Settings.Label.WindowClose.Tooltip = Time it takes the backup window to automatically close after finishing the backup.
The timer is shown in task bar and can be interrupted by opening the backup report.
Settings.Label.ReportsKept = Backup reports kept:
Settings.Label.ReportsKept.Tooltip = Amount of reports that can be stored at one point. New report that goes over the limit will delete the oldest report.
Settings.Label.ExplorerLabel = Windows Explorer label:
Settings.Label.ExplorerLabel.Tooltip =
Settings.Check.Preload = Preload on Windows start
Settings.Check.Preload.Tooltip = Loads the program silently when Windows starts. Tick this if the program loads too slowly.
Settings.Check.ExplorerIntegration = Integrate with Windows Explorer
Settings.Check.ExplorerIntegration.Tooltip = Allows right-clicking on files/folders and starting a backup from the context menu.
Settings.Check.SaveEmptyReports = Save backup reports with no file/folder changes
Settings.Check.SaveEmptyReports.Tooltip = If checked, backup reports that did not modify any files and folders are kept.
Settings.Option.WindowClose.Immediately = Immediately
Settings.Option.WindowClose.5 = After 5 seconds
Settings.Option.WindowClose.10 = After 10 seconds
Settings.Option.WindowClose.30 = After 30 seconds
Settings.Option.WindowClose.Never = Never
Settings.Option.ReportsKept.None = None
Settings.Option.ReportsKept.All = All
Settings.Option.DateFormat.Detect = Detect ($0)
About.Version = Version
About.Version.Unknown = (unknown)
About.Author = Designed and programmed by chylex.
About.License = Product license information
About.WinVersion.Using = You are using $0
About.WinVersion.Supported = (supported).
About.WinVersion.Unsupported = (not supported).
About.WinVersion.Unknown = (unknown)
About.Support = Support:
About.Support.Link = Issues on GitHub
About.OfficialWebsite = Visit the official website:
About.SourceCode = View the source code:
About.Twitter = Follow me on Twitter:
BackupWindow.Button.ShowReport = Show Report
BackupWindow.Button.Cancel = Cancel
BackupWindow.Button.Close = Close
BackupWindow.Run.Preparing = Preparing backup...
BackupWindow.Run.Processing = Processing the files and folders...
BackupWindow.Run.Finished.* = Finished! Updated $0 files and folders.
BackupWindow.Run.Finished.1 = Finished! Updated 1 file or folder.
BackupWindow.Error.MultipleLocations = Cannot backup multiple locations in different folders!
BackupWindow.Error.HistoryGenFailed = History generation failed
BackupWindow.Error.HistoryGenFailedNoTrace = History generation failed (unknown error)
BackupWindow.HistoryGenWarning.Title = History Entry Is Generating
BackupWindow.HistoryGenWarning = The history entry has not been generated yet, do you want to close the window anyways?
Report.Fetching = Fetching report...
Report.FetchError = Failed fetching report.
Report.Title.PreparingBackup = = Preparing backup =
Report.Title.FilesAndFolders = = Files and folders =
Report.Title.StartingBackup = = Starting backup =
Report.Title.BackupCanceled = = Backup canceled =
Report.Title.BackupFailed = = Backup failed (out of attempts) =
Report.Title.BackupFinished = = Backup finished =
Report.Title.Debug = = Caution =
Report.Info.Debug = Backup Essentials is running in debug mode, all actions will be logged into the report but will not actually modify any files or folders!
Report.Error.Canceled = Backup canceled.
Report.Error.Failed = Backup failed: out of attempts.
Report.Label.Source = Source
Report.Label.Destination = Destination
Report.Label.Date = Date
Report.Label.EntriesAdded = Added
Report.Label.EntriesUpdated = Updated
Report.Label.EntriesDeleted = Deleted
Report.Name.Action.Added = Added
Report.Name.Action.Updated = Updated
Report.Name.Action.Deleted = Deleted
Report.Name.Action.Unknown = (unknown action)
Report.Name.Type.File = File
Report.Name.Type.Directory = Folder
Report.Name.Type.Unknown = (unknown type)